General Orientation Questions
Is orientation happening in-person?
For traditional freshmen, all orientation dates will be offered on campus.
For transfer and non-traditional students, some orientation sessions will be offered virtually and some will be offered on campus. Blazer Beginnings attendance is required whether you attend a virtual or on-campus session, and both will include elements of self-led and live content.
What will my orientation fee or enrollment deposit be used for?
The fee guarantees your spot at UAB and pays for staff, programming, and other administrative costs for both virtual and in-person sessions.
If I decide to not attend UAB, is orientation refundable?
All fees associated with orientation (including the Freshman Enrollment Deposit, orientation fee, guest fees, and housing fees) are NON-REFUNDABLE. However, if you choose to attend UAB in the future, your original payment will be documented so you will only owe whatever amount is unpaid at that time.
If you move from an on-campus orientation date to a virtual orientation date, you can request a refund of optional fees such as guest fees.
What technology do I need to complete the pre-orientation course (online in UAB’s Canvas learning management system)?
You will need the following technology to complete the pre-orientation course in Canvas:
- Internet connection
- Device (such as a computer or smart phone) that can play audio and video
- Mobile users may want to download the Canvas Student app for easier functionality - App Store, Google Play.
When will I be able to complete the pre-orientation Canvas course?
The pre-orientation Canvas course will be available starting March 15 for Summer/Fall students.
What happens if I don’t complete the pre-orientation Canvas course?
Your orientation hold will prevent you from registering for classes or modifying your class schedule until you complete the pre-orientation course in Canvas. Students are expected to register for classes before attending orientation.
Should parents and family members complete orientation with their student?
Parents and family members have access to their own separate online orientation available in Canvas (UAB’s online learning management system) as well as live programming on their student’s orientation date (on-campus dates only). Please note that students will be separated from family members for the majority of live programming. Get more information on the Parent & Family Orientation page and in the Parent & Family Orientation portion of these FAQs.
How can I learn more about on-campus involvement opportunities?
All new students will have the chance to learn about ways to get involved with student organizations and UAB departments through the UAB Student Organizations and Services Expo on the day of your orientation.
When can I register for classes?
You will be able to register for classes when your time ticket opens if you have successfully completed all modules in the pre-orientation Canvas course, taken any required math or English placement assessments, and been advised by your Academic Advisor. You can find your time ticket on BlazerNET by clicking on the Registration tab. Students are expected to register for classes before attending orientation. There will be a specific time on your orientation date where you can ask questions of advisors and/or Orientation Leaders and get help registering for classes or modifying your course schedule if needed.
When will I meet with my academic advisor?
After you complete the pre-orientation Canvas course, your assigned Academic Advisor will email your UAB email address with instructions and information about class registration. You must be advised before you can register for classes. Note: your UAB email account will not be set up until 1-2 days after completing the Canvas course.
Can I get a campus tour as part of orientation?
Yes! Campus tours are offered as part of on-campus orientation dates. Check the Freshman or Transfer/Non-Traditional schedule for the times of those tours. You can also learn more about UAB’s campus by visiting www.uab.edu/visit to schedule a campus tour on any other day or choose to “Take a Virtual Campus Tour.”
Am I required to attend orientation? Why?
Blazer Beginnings is required for all incoming degree-seeking undergraduate students who are not admitted to an online-only major (online-only students will complete Online Major Orientation in Canvas).
UAB’s orientation program is an introduction to UAB’s culture as well as an introduction to the academic and social expectations of the campus community. It is most students’ first chance to interact with peers, familiarize themselves with the campus, and meet staff and faculty from across campus. Students will also meet their Academic Advisors who will help them register for classes for their first semester and in future semesters. Plus, it’s fun! Try to make the most of the opportunity to learn about resources and student groups you might be interested in. Please note: your class schedule will be dropped if any portion of your orientation is missed.
Does it matter which orientation date I choose to attend?
We recommend attending the earliest available Blazer Beginnings. Keep in mind that orientation dates are available on a first-come, first-served basis. The sooner you make a reservation, the more likely you will be able to select an earlier date. The size of each session is limited so your advisor and other campus reps can work closely with you.
Please note: There are some Fall Freshman orientation dates that are reserved for select student populations. When you make a reservation for Blazer Beginnings online, you are shown only orientation dates that apply to you. For example, if you are in the Honors College, you will only be shown Honors College orientation dates.
How will I know which type of orientation to attend?
Students will attend Blazer Beginnings prior to their first semester at UAB. Orientation for all semesters open for students to sign up in early October. There are three types of orientation programs that are offered throughout the year:
- Spring Blazer Beginnings - Transfer and freshman students attending their first semester in the spring
- Summer/Fall Transfer and Non-Traditional Freshman Blazer Beginnings - Transfer and non-traditional freshman students (graduated high school two or more years ago) attending their first semester in the summer or fall
- Summer/Fall Freshman Blazer Beginnings - Freshman students starting at UAB the year after or the same year as high school graduation
Please note: If you are admitted to an online-only major, you will not sign up for Blazer Beginnings but will instead complete the Online Major Orientation through Canvas. Visit the Online Major Orientation FAQs for more details.
What do I need to complete prior to attending orientation?
View our Pre-Orientation Checklist.
Do I need to take a placement test?
Some students will be required to take a Math Placement Assessment and/or English Placement Survey and Writing Sample. For the most up to date information, visit uab.edu/placement.
Will I receive a confirmation or reminder?
Once you complete the online reservation process, two confirmation emails are sent:
- A payment confirmation will be sent to the e-mail of the person making the reservation (sometimes this will go to a parent’s email who is paying the reservation fee).
- An orientation reservation confirmation will be automatically emailed to the student’s email address.
What if I would like to change my major?
If you have decided to change your major since your admission to UAB, you can visit uab.edu/changemajor to change your major. There will also be a link available to change your major at the same time you are making your reservation to attend orientation.
You have already been assigned an academic advisor based upon your major at admission. In order for us to schedule time for you to meet with the appropriate advisor, you must complete a major change at least seven days prior to your orientation session.
What will I do at orientation?
Blazer Beginnings is your most important first step in becoming an official UAB student. All of the programs and information are designed to connect you to UAB and prepare you for success. You will:
- Meet with faculty and academic advisors
- Confirm your course schedule
- Discuss academic expectations
- Discover resources designed to help you succeed
- Build a network of campus contacts
- Check out opportunities and organizations that can help you get involved on campus
- Meet other students – current and new – and start building new friendships
Get more information about what will happen at orientation on the Schedules page.
Am I required to get any immunizations prior to attending orientation?
Immunization records are not required to attend orientation, but all immunization records must be submitted before the first day of classes (deadlines and additional details available at uab.edu/newstudentshots). Submission of immunization records is an online process. Students will receive detailed information by email on how to provide proof of immunizations
For the most up to date and complete policy information, please visit uab.edu/newstudentshots.
How do I reschedule my orientation date?
To reschedule your orientation date, please call New Student Programs at 205-975-7999 or email
blazerbeginnings@uab.edu . You must provide your BlazerID and the date you would like to attend. -
How do I submit my ONE Card photo?
You can submit your ONE Card photo online at uab.edu/onecardphoto, and it must meet certain criteria.
What is my BlazerID? Is that the same as my ONE Card?
A BlazerID is your username you’ll use to access many of UAB's services and online resources. You must use your BlazerID to reserve a spot for Blazer Beginnings and register for classes. If you don’t remember your BlazerID, visit uab.edu/blazerid.
New students obtain their ONE Cards during orientation. UAB employees who later become students may already have a ONE Card (ID Badge) and will not receive a new card at orientation. Your ONE Card has many functions, including serving as your photo ID, granting you admission to the Campus Recreation Center and UAB athletic events, and giving you access to your Meal Plan, Dragon Cash, and Blazer Bucks accounts.
When will I get my ONE Card?
For students attending an on-campus orientation date, you will get your ONE Card at Blazer Beginnings.
For student attending a virtual orientation date, you will receive instructions at your UAB email address for getting your ONE Card closer to the start of the semester. UAB employees who already have a ONE Card as their ID badge will not receive a new one.
What should I bring with me to orientation?
Know what to do before you arrive with our What to Bring With You to Orientation list!
Where can I find a map of campus?
You can find a campus map at uab.edu/map.
I am not available during the offered dates for orientation. What should I do?
Orientation is not excused for work, travel, or other commitments. Please make arrangements to attend orientation on one of the listed dates. If there is an unavoidable conflict, call New Student Programs at 205-975-7999 or email us at
blazerbeginnings@uab.edu to find out how to complete your orientation requirement. -
What should I do if my sports practices or band camp rehearsals interfere with orientation?
Try to schedule an orientation session that does not conflict with practice for athletic teams, band camp rehearsals, or other university-related activities. Coaches and directors are aware that you are required to attend orientation, so please talk to them if you are unable to schedule around a practice time.
To reschedule your Blazer Beginnings date, please call 205-975-7999 or email
blazerbeginnings@uab.edu . -
Will I pay for tuition at orientation?
No, you will not need to pay for tuition at orientation. View a description of payment plans, deadlines, and instructions on how to pay.
Where do graduate students do orientation?
Graduate students can contact the Graduate School at
gradschool@uab.edu or call 205-934-8227 for assistance. Blazer Beginnings is only for new or incoming undergraduate degree-seeking students. -
What if I need disability-related accommodations during orientation?
Please notify us in advance if you, your family, or your guests require special accommodations to participate in orientation. Accommodation requests must be emailed to
blazerbeginnings@uab.edu at least two weeks prior to your scheduled orientation session so necessary arrangements can be made.
Is orientation happening in-person?
On-Campus Orientation Dates
What are the directions to orientation from where I live?
View Directions & Parking information to find your way to Blazer Beginnings!
Where do I park for Blazer Beginnings? Do I need a parking pass?
Parking will be available in the 12th Street Parking Deck, and a parking pass is not required on your orientation day. Get more detailed Directions & Parking information before you leave for campus.
Is on-campus housing available during Blazer Beginnings?
For Summer and Fall Blazer Beginnings, housing is only offered for the freshman sessions on a first-come, first-served basis. For Spring Blazer Beginnings, housing is NOT provided.
Overnight accommodations are not provided as part of orientation, but limited on-campus accommodations can be reserved—on a first-come, first-served basis—for $40 per person per night for Summer/Fall Freshman orientation dates only. Students will share rooms with other students, and parents will be housed in their own rooms in a different part of the building. Siblings or guests must be at least 16 years of age in order to take advantage of the on-campus accommodations.
A list of nearby hotels with phone numbers may be found by visiting the Accommodations webpage. When you make your reservation, please make sure you mention you are coming for a UAB-sponsored event as many area hotels will offer discounts.
What are the directions to orientation from where I live?
Virtual Orientation Dates
What technology do I need to participate in the live Zoom sessions for virtual orientation dates?
- Strong internet connection
- Device (such as a computer or smart phone) that can play audio and video
- For a better view, use a larger screen (like a desktop or laptop) to access the live Zoom sessions. If you don’t have that available, you can still fully participate on a smart phone or tablet.
How do I connect on Zoom?
The Zoom links will be sent to you by email the week before your scheduled orientation date.
When should I participate in the live Zoom sessions?
The live Zoom sessions are on your scheduled orientation date. See the schedule for Transfer/Non-Traditional Students.
What technology do I need to participate in the live Zoom sessions for virtual orientation dates?
Freshman Orientation
What are some tips for a successful orientation day?
Get Orientation Pro Tips before you head to campus!
How long will orientation last?
Blazer Beginnings is a 2-day program for first-time freshman students. A schedule is available on the Freshman orientation page.
Can I leave orientation early?/Do I have to attend all sessions?
All portions of Blazer Beginnings are required. Please note: your class schedule will be dropped if any portion of your orientation is missed.
How much does it cost to attend orientation?
All first-time freshmen are required to pay a non-refundable $200 Freshman Enrollment Deposit to secure a place in the entering class. The Freshman Enrollment Deposit covers the cost of Blazer Beginnings and associated enrollment fees. Students may not apply for on-campus housing or make a reservation for Blazer Beginnings until the Freshman Enrollment Deposit is submitted.
Please visit our Freshman Enrollment Deposit Policy for more information.
Can I defer my Freshman Enrollment Deposit?
Entering freshmen who have demonstrated financial need may request a deferral of payment.
What is different about Honors orientation?
Sessions for students in the Honors College include the regular programming offered at Blazer Beginnings. There are no differences in orientation programming except that the other students attending are also in the Honors College. There is an additional mandatory honors advising session the evening of the first day of Blazer Beginnings.
Is on-campus housing available during orientation?
On-campus housing requests can be made during the orientation registration process for summer/fall freshman dates only. Visit the accomodations page to get more details.
What are some tips for a successful orientation day?
Transfer and Non-Traditional Freshman Orientation
How long will orientation last?
Blazer Beginnings for Transfer and Non-Traditional students consists of a Canvas course and a half-day of orientation-day programming either on Zoom or on campus. You can view the Blazer Beginnings schedule for more information.
Can I leave orientation early? Do I have to attend all sessions?
All portions of Blazer Beginnings are required. Please note: your class schedule will be dropped if any portion of your orientation is missed.
How much does it cost to attend orientation?
The nonrefundable fee for transfer and non-traditional student orientation is $50 for each student—this pays for staff, programming, and other administrative services.
Can I defer my orientation payment?
No, you are not able to defer the orientation fee before attending Blazer Beginnings. If you are unable to pay, please call 205-975-7999 to discuss your options for paying the orientation fee.
I’m a UAB employee. Why do I have to attend orientation?
Although there is some overlap in information you learn as a UAB employee, there are some things that will be different for you as a student. UAB requires orientation for all new students so that everyone has the same set of information before starting classes.
How long will orientation last?
I or my family member requires a wheelchair during orientation. Will that be provided at orientation?
UAB cannot provide mobility aids. Please bring any required mobility aids with you to orientation.
Where do I park if I have an ADA accessible parking tag?
If you have an ADA accessible parking tag, contact us at
blazerbeginnings@uab.edu or (205) 975-7999 for further instructions. -
I require accommodations during orientation (alternative format of materials, sign language interpreter, etc.). How do I make that request?
blazerbeginnings@uab.edu or call (205) 975-7999 at least 2 weeks prior to your scheduled orientation date to request accommodations. -
I will need assistance traveling between buildings. Will UAB be able to provide an accommodation for me at orientation?
UAB cannot provide mobility aids. Please bring any required mobility aids with you to orientation. Students do have access to Blaze Ride, a building-to-building van service, which is available for students and employees that qualify for this service due to disability related need. To request this accommodation, students are encouraged to register with Disability Support Services at least 2 weeks in advance by calling (205) 934-4205.
Will I be allowed to bring my emotional support animal to orientation?
Individuals with disabilities may be accompanied by their service animals (animals required due to a disability and trained to perform a task) in any UAB building where the handler is allowed, including residential halls for orientation stays.
Emotional support animals (also known as assistance animals or comfort animals) are not covered by the Americans with Disabilities Act and are not permitted in UAB buildings. A student can register with Disability Support Services (DSS) to determine if they qualify for an accommodation to have emotional support animals in their residence hall room. Students are encouraged to reach out a minimum of 2 weeks prior to orientation. For more information contact DSS at
DSS@uab.edu or (205) 934-4205. -
Will my family members be able to stay with me throughout orientation?
In order to maximize student learning for all participants at Blazer Beginnings, family members and guests will participate in the Parent & Family Track only and incoming students will participate in the Student Track only. If students and family members must stay together for a disability-related reason, accommodations should be requested by emailing
blazerbeginnings@uab.edu or calling (205) 975-7999 at least 2 weeks prior to your scheduled orientation date. Orientation staff will work with you and Disability Support Services to find a solution that will provide accommodations while minimizing any disruptions to orientation programming and student learning. -
I am particularly sensitive to loud noises or crowded environments. How can I tell which sessions might be particularly loud or crowded?
Look for this symbol (
) when reviewing the schedule. Sessions marked with this symbol may include enthusiastic cheering and/or potentially loud noise.
Students are also welcome to bring noise cancelling headphones to use during these events. Please refrain from using headphones for uses other than reducing loud noises, as to not miss important information during orientation.
Will there be programming that takes place outside?
Time outside is limited, but students will have a campus tour that mostly takes place outside on Day 1. They will also move between buildings for programming on Day 1 and Day 2. Family members will only need to leave the Hill Student Center if they choose to attend the Student Organizations and Services Expo on Day 1.
I or my family member requires a wheelchair during orientation. Will that be provided at orientation?
Online-Only Orientation
How do I access Online Major Orientation?
You can access the online orientation in Canvas, UAB’s eLearning management system.
How long will it take?
The online orientation modules in Canvas can take up to 4 hours to complete, but you don’t have to finish it all in one sitting. You can leave it at any time and return to complete the remaining portions.
Can I come to an on-campus orientation if I want to?
You are welcome to attend Blazer Beginnings, our on-campus orientation program, if you would like to! It costs $50 to attend. Please call 205-975-7999 or email
blazerbeginnings@uab.edu to get signed up. -
When can I access Online Major Orientation?
You will be able to access the online orientation in Canvas as early as November 1 for Spring students and April 1 for Summer/Fall students.
What if I don’t see the orientation in my course list in Canvas?
Please call 205-975-7999 or email
blazerbeginnings@uab.edu for assistance with getting added to the course. -
How do I contact my academic advisor?
You can find your academic advisor’s contact information underneath your profile picture in BlazerNet. You’ll just need to log in with your BlazerID and password at www.uab.edu/blazernet.
How do I access Online Major Orientation?
Parent & Family Orientation
Can family members attend orientation?
For on-campus orientation dates, family members of all students are invited to attend the concurrently-run Parent & Family orientation. For traditional freshman orientation dates, one family member is included with payment of the Freshman Enrollment Deposit and any additional family members may join for a $35 fee. For transfer/non-traditional student orientation dates, family members may join for a $10 fee. These fees cover the cost of meals and staffing. See the schedule for parents and family members on the Parent & Family Orientation webpage.
Live family programming is not available on virtual orientation dates.
Parents and family members also have access to their own separate online orientation available in Canvas (UAB’s online learning management system) with information about how to support their UAB student. Find the link to the Parent & Family Orientation Canvas course on the Parent & Family Orientation webpage.
What will family orientation be like?
While participation in Parent & Family Orientation is optional, we strongly encourage you to take part in order to learn essential information you need to help your student transition successfully to UAB. If you choose to participate, you will learn information that will help you support your student. You can get a link to the Parent & Family Orientation Canvas course and see a schedule for orientation-day programming on the Parent & Family Orientation webpage.
Can I bring a child who is not attending UAB in the fall?
Programming is designed for parents, guardians, and adult family members supporting their student in college. While we welcome parents and adult guardians, attending Blazer Beginnings with family members younger than 16 is not recommended. Please make arrangements for children under 16 years of age to be cared for while you are attending Blazer Beginnings. All guests, regardless of age, require a $35 fee to attend (for traditional freshman dates) or a $10 fee to attend (for transfer/non-traditional student dates).
Why should families participate in Blazer Beginnings?
We believe support from parents and family members makes students more successful at UAB. By participating in Blazer Beginnings, you will be taking a first step in showing support for your student as they begin a new journey while also learning tips on how to help them get on the path to success in college.
Are family members required to participate in Blazer Beginnings?
Parents and family members are welcome to participate in Blazer Beginnings but are not required to attend.
How do I add a guest?
To add a guest, call New Student Programs at 205-975-7999 or email
blazerbeginnings@uab.edu . The cost is $35 per person (beyond the first registered guest) for Summer/Fall Traditional Freshman sessions and $10 per person for transfer and non-traditional freshman sessions. -
How do I change the name of a guest?
To change a guest name or contact information, call New Student Programs at 205-975-7999 or email
blazerbeginnings@uab.edu . -
Do I go through Blazer Beginnings with my student? If not, when will we see each other?
The student program and family program of Blazer Beginnings are two distinct programs with separate schedules. You may be together with your student at some combined sessions.
Can I still participate in Blazer Beginnings if I have a disability or mobility issue?
Yes! Contact us with any accommodation requests at least two weeks prior to Blazer Beginnings at
blazerbeginnings@uab.edu . -
Is there any information available in another language for family members? ¿Hay alguna información disponible en otro idioma para miembros de la familia?
There is a video about Family Engagement available in Spanish. Spanish-speaking staff members may be available upon request to answer questions on orientation days, but it is best to bring another guest with you to provide translation for all the information sessions delivered throughout orientation. If you require an additional guest for translation purposes, please contact the New Student Programs office at
blazerbeginnings@uab.edu to make arrangements for your translator.Find more information about UAB in Spanish at https://www.uab.edu/admissions/bienvenida-a-la-uab.
Hay un video sobre la participación familiar disponible en español. Es posible que haya miembros de nuestropersonal de habla hispana disponibles para responder a preguntas durante los días de orientación, pero es mejor traer a otro invitado para que le traduzca en todas las sesiones de información impartidas durante laorientación. Si necesita traer un invitado adicional para fines de traducción, comuníquese con la oficina de Programas Para Nuevos Estudiantes (New Student Programs office) en
blazerbeginnings@uab.edu para hacer arreglos para su traductor.Encuentra más información sobre la UAB en español en https://www.uab.edu/admissions/bienvenida-a-la-uab.
Can family members attend orientation?
After Orientation
I am interested in becoming an Orientation Leader. Where can I get more information?
To learn more about our Orientation Leader program, please visit uab.edu/OL to learn more and apply. Applications open annually in the fall semester and are typically due at the end of October.
Can I access or change my class schedule at any time?
Yes! To access your class schedule, log in to your BlazerNET home page. Click Registration at the top of your Student Profile to access options like Student Detail Schedule, Week at a Glance, and Add, Drop, or Withdraw Classes.
What do I do now that I have attended Blazer Beginnings?
To-Do List for New Students:
- Submit Proof of Health Insurance Coverage.
- Submit your Immunization Forms.
- Submit your Official Final Transcript by the first day of class. These are only accepted by mail directly from the institution.
- Order your Parking Hangtag.
- Select Your Meal Plan.
- Order Your Textbooks.
- Figure Out Your Technology Needs
- Download the official UAB App.
- Get in touch with your roommate if you are living on campus to arrange what you will contribute when moving in.
- Review a comprehensive checklist for accepted freshmen and transfer/non-traditional students.
I am interested in becoming an Orientation Leader. Where can I get more information?
If you have any additional questions regarding Blazer Beginnings, please ask a staff member or refer to the Orientation website.