A UAB admissions counselor is your primary contact with the Office of Undergraduate Admissions. They are here for you every step of the way whether you are in the middle of your college search, applying for admission, or are completing your steps to enrollment.
To find your assigned admissions counselor, choose the type of incoming student that best describes you. If you are unsure about your type, please contact the UAB Office of Undergraduate Admissions at
- In-State Freshman
- Out-of-State Freshman
- Transfer Student
- International Student
- Online Student
- Dual & Concurrent Enrollment Student
Select your county:
- Autauga
- Baldwin
- Barbour
- Bibb
- Blount
- Bullock
- Butler
- Calhoun
- Chambers
- Cherokee
- Chilton
- Choctaw
- Clarke
- Clay
- Cleburne
- Coffee
- Colbert
- Conecuh
- Coosa
- Covington
- Crenshaw
- Cullman
- Dale
- Dallas
- DeKalb
- Elmore
- Escambia
- Etowah
- Fayette
- Franklin
- Geneva
- Greene
- Hale
- Henry
- Houston
- Home School/Online Schools
- Jackson
- Jefferson
- Lamar
- Lauderdale
- Lawrence
- Lee
- Limestone
- Lowndes
- Macon
- Madison
- Marengo
- Marion
- Marshall
- Mobile
- Monroe
- Montgomery
- Morgan
- Perry
- Pickens
- Pike
- Randolph
- Russell
- Saint Clair
- Shelby
- Sumter
- Talladega
- Tallapoosa
- Tuscaloosa
- Walker
- Washington
- Wilcox
- Winston
Select your state:
- Alaska
- Arizona
- Arkansas
- California
- Colorado
- Connecticut
- Delaware
- Florida
- Georgia
- Hawaii
- Idaho
- Illinois
- Indiana
- Iowa
- Kansas
- Kentucky
- Louisiana
- Maine
- Maryland
- Massachusetts
- Michigan
- Minnesota
- Mississippi
- Missouri
- Montana
- Nebraska
- Nevada
- New Hampshire
- New Jersey
- New Mexico
- New York
- North Carolina
- North Dakota
- Ohio
- Oklahoma
- Oregon
- Pennsylvania
- Rhode Island
- South Carolina
- South Dakota
- Tennessee
- Texas
- Utah
- US Territories
- Vermont
- Virginia
- Washington
- Washington, D.C.
- West Virginia
- Wisconsin
- Wyoming
Select your Alabama community college:
- Bevill State Community College
- Bishop State Community College
- Calhoun Community College
- Central Alabama Community College
- Chattahoochee Valley Community College
- Coastal Alabama Community College
- Enterprise State Community College
- Gadsden State Community College
- J.F. Drake State Community and Technical College
- Jefferson State Community College
- Lawson State Community College
- Lurleen B. Wallace Community College
- Marion Military Institute
- Northeast Alabama Community College
- Northwest-Shoals Community College
- Shelton State Community College
- Snead State Community College
- Southern Union State Community College
- Trenholm State Community College
- Wallace Community College (Dothan)
- Wallace Community College Selma
- Wallace State Community College (Hanceville)
Select your Alabama four-year institution:
- Alabama A&M University
- Alabama State University
- Athens State University
- Auburn University
- Auburn University Montgomery
- Birmingham-Southern College
- Columbia Southern University
- Faulkner University
- Huntingdon College
- Jacksonville State University
- Judson College
- Miles College
- Oakwood University
- Samford University
- Spring Hill College
- Stillman College
- Talladega College
- Troy University
- Troy University-Montgomery
- Tuskegee University
- University of Alabama
- University of Alabama in Huntsville
- University of Mobile
- University of Montevallo
- University of North Alabama
- University of South Alabama
- University of West Alabama
Attend an out-of-state institution?
Darby Bennett
This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. | 205-718-9033States: Arkansas, Illinois, Iowa, Kansas, Minnesota, Missouri, Nebraska, North Dakota, Oklahoma, South Dakota, Texas, Wisconsin
North Texas Counties: (View)
- Anderson
- Andrews
- Angelina
- Archer
- Armstrong
- Bailey
- Bastrop
- Baylor
- Bell
- Blanco
- Borden
- Bosque
- Bowie
- Briscoe
- Brown
- Burleson
- Burnet
- Caldwell
- Callahan
- Camp
- Carson
- Cass
- Castro
- Cherokee
- Childress
- Clay
- Cochran
- Coke
- Coleman
- Collin
- Collingsworth
- Comanche
- Concho
- Cooke
- Coryell
- Cottle
- Crane
- Crockett
- Crosby
- Dallam
- Dallas
- Dawson
- Deaf Smith
- Delta
- Denton
- Dickens
- Donley
- Eastland
- Ector
- Ellis
- Erath
- Falls
- Fannin
- Fisher
- Floyd
- Foard
- Franklin
- Freestone
- Gaines
- Garza
- Gillespie
- Glasscock
- Gray
- Grayson
- Gregg
- Guadalupe
- Hale
- Hall
- Hamilton
- Hansford
- Hardeman
- Harrison
- Hartley
- Haskell
- Hays
- Hemphill
- Henderson
- Hill
- Hockley
- Hood
- Hopkins
- Howard
- Hunt
- Hutchinson
- Iron
- Jack
- Johnson
- Jones
- Kaufman
- Kent
- Kimble
- King
- Knox
- Lamar
- Lamb
- Lampasas
- Lee
- Leon
- Limestone
- Lipscomb
- Llano
- Loving
- Lubbock
- Lynn
- Marion
- Martin
- Mason
- McCulloch
- McLennan
- Menard
- Midland
- Milam
- Mills
- Mitchell
- Montague
- Moore
- Morris
- Motley
- Nacogdoches
- Navarro
- Nolan
- Ochiltree
- Oldham
- Palo Pinto
- Panola
- Parker
- Parmer
- Potter
- Rains
- Randall
- Reagan
- Red River
- Roberts
- Robertson
- Rockwall
- Runnels
- Rusk
- Sabine
- San Augustine
- San Saba
- Schleicher
- Scurry
- Shackelford
- Shelby
- Sherman
- Smith
- Somervell
- Stephens
- Sterling
- Stonewall
- Sutton
- Swisher
- Tarrant
- Taylor
- Terry
- Throckmorton
- Titus
- Tom Green
- Travis
- Upshur
- Upton
- Van Zandt
- Victoria
- Ward
- Wharton
- Wheeler
- Wichita
- Wilbarger
- Williamson
- Winkler
- Wise
- Wood
- Yoakum
- Young
Geo Chaparro
This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. | 205-718-1151Community Colleges:
- Bevill State Community College
- Calhoun Community College
- Gadsden State Community College
- J.F. Drake State Community & Technical College
- Northeast Alabama Community College
- Northwest-Shoals Community College
- Snead State Community College
- Wallace State Community College (Hanceville)
Four-Year Institutions:
- Alabama A&M University
- Athens State University
- Jacksonville State University
- Oakwood University
- University of Alabama in Huntsville
- University of North Alabama
This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. | 205-934-8221State: Alabama
- Calhoun
- Cherokee
- Clay
- Cleburne
- Etowah
- Jefferson (view schools)
- Randolph
- Saint Clair
- Shelby (view schools)
- Talledega
Schools in Jefferson County:
- Cornerstone Schools of Alabama
- Leeds High School
- Rock Creek Academy
- Spring Valley School
- The Arlington School
- Alabama School For the Deaf And Blind
Schools in Shelby County:
- Calvary Christian
- Shelby County High School
Rainey Tanner
This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. | 205-572-7262Community Colleges:
- Bishop State Community College
- Central Alabama Community College
- Chattahoochee Valley Community College
- Coastal Alabama Community College
- Enterprise State Community College
- Lurleen B. Wallace Community College
- Trenholm State Community College
- Wallace Community College (Dothan)
- Wallace Community College Selma
Four-Year Institutions:
- Alabama State University
- Auburn University Montgomery
- Columbia Southern University
- Faulkner University
- Huntingdon College
- Miles College
- Spring Hill College
- Troy University
- University of Mobile
- University of South Alabama
Nakia Coleman
This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. | 205-600-4930State: Alabama
- Jefferson (view schools)
Schools in Jefferson County:
- AH Parker High School
- George Washington Carver High School
- Huffman High School
- PD Jackson-Olin High School
- Ramsay High School
- Wenonah High School
- Woodlawn High School
Andrew Colson
This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. | 205-517-2022State: Alabama
- Jefferson (view schools)
Schools in Jefferson County:
- Jefferson County International Baccalaureate High School
- Shades Valley High School
- Vestavia Hills High School
Raven Dials
This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. | 205-922-4853States: Alabama, Mississippi, Florida
Alabama Counties: (View)
- Baldwin
- Clarke
- Conecuh
- Escambia
- Mobile
- Monroe
- Washington
- Wilcox
Mississippi Counties: (View)
- Adams
- Amite
- Claiborne
- Clarke
- Copiah
- Covington
- Forrest
- Franklin
- George
- Greene
- Hancock
- Harrison
- Hinds
- Jackson
- Jasper
- Jefferson
- Jefferson Davis
- Jones
- Lamar
- Lauderdale
- Lawrence
- Lincoln
- Marion
- Newton
- Pearl River
- Perry
- Pike
- Rankin
- Scott
- Simpson
- Smith
- Stone
- Walthall
- Warren
- Wayne
- Wilkinson
Florida Counties: (View)
- Bay
- Calhoun
- Escambia
- Gulf
- Holmes
- Jackson
- Okaloosa
- Santa Rosa
- Walton
- Washington
Jordan Davis
This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. | 205-645-8739 -
Emily Griffith
This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. | 205-704-8913State: Alabama
- Blount
- Colbert
- Cullman
- DeKalb
- Franklin
- Jackson
- Lauderdale
- Lawrence
- Limestone
- Madison
- Marion
- Marshall
- Morgan
- Winston
Essence Jones
This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. | 205-623-9050Community Colleges:
- Jefferson State Community College
- Lawson State Community College
- Marion Military Institute
- Shelton State Community College
- Southern Union State Community College
Four-Year Institutions:
- Auburn University
- Birmingham-Southern College
- Samford University
- Stillman College
- Talladega College
- Tuskegee University
- University of Alabama
- University of Montevallo
- University of West Alabama
Jeffrey Jost
This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. | 205-962-1753States: Delaware, Maryland, North Carolina, Pennsylvania, South Carolina, Virginia, Washington D.C., West Virginia
Lily King
This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. | 205-895-1796State: Alabama
- Autauga
- Butler
- Chilton
- Dallas
- Elmore
- Jefferson (view schools)
- Lowndes
- Montgomery
- Shelby (view schools)
Schools in Jefferson County:
- Banks Academy
- Brentwood Christian
- Brooklane Baptist
- Center Point High School
- Central Park Christian School
- Cornerstone Christian High School
- Coosa Valley Academy
- Ephesus Academy
- Fairfield High School
- Gardendale High School
- Glen Iris Baptist
- Gunn Christian Academy
- Holy Family Cristo Rey High School
- Homeland Christian
- Hope Christian School
- Islamic Academy
- Jefferson Christian
- Magic City Acceptance Academy
- Mountain Brook High School
- Pinson Valley High School
- Shades Mountain Independent Church Academy
- Spring Valley School
- Sumiton Christian School
- Tabernacle Christian High School
- Tarrant High SchoolS
- Thompson High School
Schools in Shelby County:
- Indian Springs
- Thompson High School
- Valleydale Christian
- Westminster at Oak Mountain
- Winewood Christian
Caitlin Norton
This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. | 205-597-9433States: Connecticut, Florida, Georgia, Maine, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New York, Rhode Island, U.S. Territories, Vermont
Florida Counties: (View)
- Alachua
- Baker
- Bradford
- Brevard
- Broward
- Charlotte
- Citrus
- Clay
- Collier
- Columbia
- DeSoto
- Dixie
- Duval
- Flagler
- Franklin
- Gadsden
- Gilchrist
- Glades
- Hamilton
- Hardee
- Hendry
- Hernando
- Highlands
- Hillsborough
- Indian
- River
- Jefferson
- Lafayette
- Lake
- Lee
- Leon
- Levy
- Liberty
- Madison
- Manatee
- Marion
- Martin
- Miami-Dade
- Monroe
- Nassau
- Okeechobee
- Orange
- Osceola
- Palm Beach
- Pasco
- Pinellas
- Polk
- Putnam
- Sarasota
- Seminole
- St. Johns
- St. Lucie
- Sumter
- Suwannee
- Taylor
- Union
- Volusia
- Wakulla
West Georgia Counties: (View)
- Baker
- Bartow
- Ben Hill
- Berrien
- Bibb
- Brooks
- Calhoun
- Carroll
- Chattahoochee
- Chattooga
- Cherokee
- Clay
- Cobb
- Colquitt
- Cook
- Coweta
- Crawford
- Crisp
- Decatur
- Dooly
- Dougherty
- Douglas
- Early
- Fayette
- Floyd
- Gilmer
- Gordon
- Grady
- Haralson
- Harris
- Heard
- Houston
- Irwin
- Lamar
- Lee
- Lowndes
- Macon
- Marion
- Meriwether
- Miller
- Mitchell
- Monroe
- Muscogee
- Paulding
- Peach
- Pike
- Polk
- Pulaski
- Quitman
- Randolph
- Schley
- Seminole
- Spalding
- Stewart
- Sumter
- Talbot
- Taylor
- Terrell
- Thomas
- Tift
- Troup
- Turner
- Upson
- Webster
- Wilcox
Andrew Nutt
This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. | 205-597-7325States: Kentucky, Indiana, Michigan, Mississippi, Ohio, Tennessee
West/Central Tennessee Counties: (View)
West/Central Tennessee Counties:
- West/Central Tennessee Counties
- Bedford
- Benton
- Bledsoe
- Cannon
- Carroll
- Cheatham
- Chester
- Clay
- Coffee
- Crockett
- Cumberland
- Davidson
- Decatur
- DeKalb
- Dickson
- Dyer
- Fayette
- Fentress
- Franklin
- Gibson
- Giles
- Grundy
- Hardeman
- Hardin
- Haywood
- Henderson
- Henry
- Hickman
- Houston
- Humphreys
- Jackson
- Lake
- Lauderdale
- Lawrence
- Lewis
- Lincoln
- Macon
- Madison
- Marion
- Marshall
- Maury
- McNairy
- Montgomery
- Moore
- Obion
- Overton
- Perry
- Pickett
- Putnam
- Robertson
- Rutherford
- Sequatchie
- Shelby
- Smith
- Stewart
- Sumner
- Tipton
- Trousdale
- Van Buren
- Warren
- Wayne
- Weakley
- White
- Williamson
- Wilson
North Mississippi Counties: (View)
North Mississippi:
- North Mississippi Counties
- Alcorn
- Attala
- Benton
- Bolivar
- Calhoun
- Carroll
- Chickasaw
- Clay
- Coahoma
- DeSoto
- Granada
- Holmes
- Humphrey's
- Issaquena
- Itawamba
- Kemper
- Lafayette
- Leake
- Lee
- Leflore
- Lowndes
- Madison
- Marshall
- Monroe
- Montgomery
- Nashoba
- Neshoba
- Noxubee
- Oktibbeha
- Panola
- Pontotoc
- Prentiss
- Quitman
- Sharkey
- Sunflower
- Tallahatchie
- Tate
- Tippah
- Tishomngo
- Tunika
- Union
- Washington
- Webster
- Winston
- Yalobusha
- Yazoo
Ginny Posey
This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. | 205-703-6596State: Alabama
- Bibb
- Choctaw
- Fayette
- Greene
- Hale
- Jefferson (view schools)
- Lamar
- Marengo
- Perry
- Pickens
- Shelby (view schools)
- Sumter
- Tuscaloosa
- Walker
Schools in Jefferson County:
- Bessemer Academy
- Corner High School
- Fultondale High School
- Hewitt-Trussville High School
- Homewood High School
- Hueytown High School
- Minor High School
- Mortimer-Jordan High School
- Oak Grove High School
- Pleasant Grove High School
- Restoration Academy High School
Schools in Shelby County:
- Briarwood Christian High School
- Calera High School
- Chelsea High School
- Evangel Christian School
- Evangel Classical Christian
- Gloryland Christian
- Helena High School
- Heritage Christian Academy
- Oak Mountain High School
- Pelham High School
Pete Saenz
This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. | 205-500-2580States: Georgia, Tennessee
East Georgia Counties: (View)
- Appling
- Atkinson
- Bacon
- Baldwin
- Banks
- Barrow
- Bleckley
- Brantley
- Bryan
- Bulloch
- Burke
- Butts
- Camden
- Candler
- Catoosa
- Charlton
- Chatham
- Clarke
- Clayton
- Clinch
- Coffee
- Columbia
- Dade
- Dawson
- DeKalb
- Dodge
- Echols
- Effingham
- Elbert
- Emanuel
- Evans
- Fannin
- Forsyth
- Franklin
- Fulton
- Glascock
- Glynn
- Greene
- Gwinnett
- Habersham
- Hall
- Hancock
- Hart
- Henry
- Jackson
- Jasper
- Jeff Davis
- Jefferson
- Jenkins
- Johnson
- Jones
- Lanier
- Laurens
- Liberty
- Lincoln
- Long
- Lumpkin
- Madison
- McDuffie
- McIntosh
- Montgomery
- Morgan
- Murray
- Newton
- Oconee
- Oglethorpe
- Pickens
- Pierce
- Putnam
- Rabun
- Richmond
- Rockdale
- Screven
- Stephens
- Taliaferro
- Tattnall
- Telfair
- Toombs
- Towns
- Treutlen
- Twiggs
- Union
- Walker
- Walton
- Ware
- Warren
- Washington
- Wayne
- Wheeler
- White
- Whitfield
- Wilkes
- Wilkinson
East Tennessee Counties: (View)
East Tennessee:
- East Tennessee Counties
- Anderson
- Blount
- Bradley
- Campbell
- Carter
- Claiborne
- Cocke
- Grainger
- Greene
- Hamblen
- Hamilton
- Hancock
- Hawkins
- Jefferson
- Johnson
- Knox
- Loudon
- McMinn
- Meigs
- Monroe
- Morgan
- Polk
- Rhea
- Roane
- Scott
- Sevier
- Sullivan
- Unicoi
- Union
- Washington
Erin Woods
This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. | 205-597-1524States: Alaska, Arizona, California, Colorado, Hawaii, Idaho, Louisiana, Montana, New Mexico, Nevada, Oregon, Texas, Utah, Washington, Wyoming
South Texas Counties: (View)
- Angelina
- Aransas
- Atascosa
- Austin
- Bandera
- Bee
- Bexar
- Brazoria
- Brazos
- Brewster
- Brooks
- Burleson
- Calhoun
- Cameron
- Chambers
- Coke
- Colorado
- Comal
- Crane
- Crockett
- Culberson
- Dewitt
- Dimmit
- Duval
- Ector
- Edwards
- El Paso
- Fayette
- Fort Bend
- Frio
- Galveston
- Glasscock
- Goliad
- Gonzales
- Grimes
- Guadalupe
- Hardin
- Harris
- Hidalgo
- Houston
- Hudspeth
- Irion
- Jackson
- Jasper
- Jeff Davis
- Jefferson
- Jim Hogg
- Jim Wells
- Karnes
- Kendall
- Kenedy
- Kerr
- Kinney
- Kleberg
- La Salle
- Lavaca
- Lee
- Leon
- Liberty
- Live Oak
- Loving
- Madison
- Matagorda
- Maverick
- McMullen
- Medina
- Midland
- Montgomery
- Newton
- Nueces
- Orange
- Pecos
- Polk
- Presidio
- Reagan
- Real
- Reeves
- Refugio
- Robertson
- Sabine
- San Augustine
- San Jacinto
- San Patricio
- Schleicher
- Shelby
- Starr
- Sterling
- Sutton
- Terrell
- Tom Green
- Trinity
- Tyler
- Upton
- Uvalde
- Val Verde
- Victoria
- Walker
- Waller
- Ward
- Washington
- Webb
- Wharton
- Willacy
- Wilson
- Winkler
- Zapata
- Zavala
ChooseUAB (North)
This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. | 205-934-8221States: All out-of-state institutions for transferring students