Find out which of your college coursework credits will transfer to UAB. Choose which type of institution you plan to transfer from: 

Admitted or enrolled students who have questions about transfer credit equivalencies can contact their academic advisor or a transfer articulation specialist at Prospective students should contact their transfer admissions counselor.

Two-year public college in Alabama

It’s called Alabama Transfers (powered by AGSC & STARS), but what it really means is transferring your credits from the two-year college you’ve been attending to the four-year college you want to attend. (That’s UAB, by the way.)

The eligibility of your transfer credits will depend on the subject matter of each course and the accreditation of the college that awarded the credit. Remedial, technical, and vocational credit usually isn’t considered.

If you’re transferring from an accredited college, you’ll be able to transfer up to half the required credit hours toward your degree from UAB. The total number of hours will appear on your UAB transcript—but the academic department offering your major will be the one to determine if each course will apply to your degree.

The easiest way to see which of your credits will transfer is to check the Alabama Transfers database. You may be closer to a UAB degree than you think.

Other colleges or universities

The eligibility of your transfer credits will depend on the subject matter of each course and the accreditation of the college that awarded the credit. If your college is accredited by one of the regional agencies recognized by the American Council on Education, then your credits probably will be eligible for transfer.

The total number of transferred hours will appear on your UAB transcript—but the academic department offering your major will determine if each course applies to your degree requirements.

If you’re transferring from an accredited two-year college, then you’ll be able to transfer up to half the required credit hours toward your UAB degree. If you’re transferring from an accredited four-year institution, then you’ll be able to transfer an unlimited number of credits. However, remedial, technical, vocational, and orientation credits usually aren’t considered.

Want a preview? Compare your courses with their UAB equivalents to see which credits could transfer:

UAB Equivalents for Transfer Courses

Admitted or enrolled undergraduate students who have questions about transfer credit equivalencies can contact their academic advisor. Prospective undergraduate students should contact their admissions counselor.

International institution

Students who have completed college-level work in a country other than the United States are eligible to receive transfer credit if the institution is officially recognized by the respective Ministry of Education or governing educational body.

Learn more: access detailed information on international transcript evaluation, articulation, and acceptable English translation.

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