Detailed equivalencies for various credits that UAB accepts, including transfer, AP, IB, AICE, CLEP, DSST, portfolio, military experience, and more.
Advanced Placement (AP)
The Advanced Placement (AP) program exposes high school students to college-level material. If you’ve been taking AP classes, you’ve probably taken one or more AP exams to prove your mastery of the subject and earn college credit. Good for you! To apply your AP credit to your UAB education, you’ll just need to have AP Services send us an official AP Grade Report. Our handy Advanced Placement Tests chart can help you figure out which of your credits may apply.
How do I submit my AP Grade Report to UAB?
When you take the exam, you will be prompted to select the school which will receive your results. AP Grade Reports are sent in July to you, your high school, and the college you selected on your exam answer sheet.
What if I sent my results to another school - how can I send them to UAB?
Notify the College Board (check out "Additional Score Reports by Phone") that you'd like to send your results to UAB.
View the AP Tests Chart -
International Baccalaureate (IB)
Academic credit may be awarded for scores of five or higher on IB standard-level and higher-level examinations. To determine which tests are eligible for UAB credit please see the International Baccalaureate Credit Table.
How do I get International Baccalaureate Credit at UAB?
Use IB's Candidate Results Service to request a transcript be sent to UAB.
You can request that an official score report be sent to UAB by calling or writing IB at:
International Baccalaureate North America
200 Madison Ave., Suite 2007
New York, N.Y. 10016
(212) 696-4464
www.IBO.orgRequest that the official transcript be sent to:
UAB Office of the Registrar
1720 2nd Ave S. CH 117A
Birmingham, AL 35294What if I have transferred to UAB from another college and the college from which I transferred has already evaluated my IB courses?
You will still need to have an official IB transcript sent to UAB. UAB has to evaluate IB credit based on UAB policy, not the policy of another university.
When will credit be posted to my transcript?
If you are enrolled in courses at UAB as an undergraduate, degree-seeking student, credit will be posted to your transcript after your IB scores have been evaluated and the drop/add date has passed.
Will I be notified when credit has been posted to my transcript?
No. You will only be notified if credit cannot be posted to your transcript.
Please note:
- All IB credit is recorded on the transcript with a grade of "P.”
- IB credits may not be used in repeating a course.
- No more than 45 semester hours of alternative credit may be applied toward a degree.
- Credit will only be posted to the transcript of undergraduate, degree-seeking students who are enrolled in classes at UAB.
Cambridge Advanced International Certificate of Education (AICE)
This program allows student to customize their studies around their individual interests and abilities within an international curriculum framework. We want to reward and recognize your hard work, but first you need to send us your official certifying statement of results for the exams you have taken. Once received, we will do the rest.
How do I submit my AICE Transcript to UAB?
For score evaluation to determine eligibility for college credits to be applied to the UAB transcript, students need to request an official Cambridge (AICE) score report be sent to UAB.
Office of Undergraduate Admissions
Box 99
1720 2nd Ave S
Birmingham AL 35294-4600Official AICE scores are sent to colleges and universities by way of the Cambridge USA office in August of each year as soon as scores are released.
If you need to request additional copies of your most recent scores or past scores to be sent, you will need to complete the "Results and Certificates-Form 8."
AICE Course UAB Course Equivalent Exam Grade Credit Hours Biology (A & AS) BY 123 & 124 - Introductory Biology I & II A 8 BY 123 - Introductory Biology I B 4 Chemistry (A & AS) CH 115, 116, 117 & 118 - General Chemistry I & II with Laboratories A 8 CH 115 & 117 - General Chemistry I & II B 6 Economics (A) EC 210 & 211 - Principles of Microeconomics & Macroeconomics A-E 6 English (A & AS) EH 101 & 102 - English Composition I & II A 6 EH 101 - English Composition I B 3 French (A) FR 101, 102, 201 & 202 - Introductory French I & II and Intermediate French I & II A-E 14 French Language (AS) FR 101 & 102 - Introductory French I & II A-E 8 French Literature (AS) FR 311 - Advanced Survey of French Literature A-E 3 History (A & AS) HY 102, 105 & 121 - Western Civilization II, World History 1600 to Present, & US Since 1877 A-C 9 Mathematics (A) MA 106 & 125 - Pre-Calculus Trigonometry & Calculus I A-E 7 Mathematics (AS) MA 107 - Precalculus Algebra and Trigonometry A-E 4 Further Mathematics (A) MA 125 & 126 - Calculus I & II A-E 8 Further Mathematics (AS) MA 125 - Calculus I A-E 4 Statistics (AS) MA 180 - Introduction to Statistics A-E 3 Physics (A) PH 201 & 202 - College Physics I & II A-E 8 Physics (AS) PHS 101 & 101L - Physical Science & Physical Science Laboratory A-E 4 Psychology (A) PY 101 & 100-level PY elective - Introduction to Psychology & elective (PY 107/108/109/125) A-C 6 Psychology (AS) PY 101 - Introduction to Psychology A-C 3 Sociology (A & AS) SOC 100 - Introduction to Sociology A-E 3 Spanish (A) SPA 101, 102, 201 & 202 - Introductory Spanish I & II and Intermediate Spanish I & II A-E 14 Spanish Language (AS) SPA 101 & 102 - Introductory Spanish I & II A-E 8 Spanish Literature (AS) SPA 300 - Advanced Grammar and Composition A-E 3 -
College Level Examination Program (CLEP)
You can find the list of approved CLEP tests in the UAB Undergraduate Catalog.
DANTES Subject Standardized Tests (DSST)
You can find the list of approved DSST tests in the UAB Undergraduate Catalog.
Alabama School of Fine Arts
Note: Effective for first-time freshmen entering Fall 2023 or Fall 2024. ASFA coursework is reviewed and reevaluated for possible transfer every two years.
Subject ASFA Course UAB Equivalent Semester Hours Awarded Conditions Biology AP Biology BY 123: Introductory Biology I 4 "B" or higher Computer Science AP Computer Science A CS 103: Introduction to Computer Science in Python 4 "B" or higher Economics AP Macroeconomics EC 211: Principles of Macroeconomics 3 "B" or higher English Special Topics - Creative Writing EH 214: Introduction to Literature: Special Topics 3 "A" Special Topics - Poetry Workshop EH 305: Beginning Poetry Writing Workshop 3 "A" in both workshops Fiction Writing Workshop EH 309: Beginning Fiction Writing Workshop 3 "A" in both workshops Environmental Science AP Environmental Science BY 108/109: Human Population and the Earth's Environment/Laboratory in Environmental Science. 4 "B" or higher Math AP Calculus AB MA 125: Calculus I 3 "B" or higher AP Calculus BC MA 126: Calculus II 3 "B" or higher Differential Equations/Special Topics MA 252: Introduction to Differential Equations 3 "B" or higher AP Statistics MA 180: Introduction to Statistics 3 "B" or higher Physics AP Physics C PH 221: Gen Physics I 3 "B" or higher PH 221L: Gen Physics Lab 1 "B" or higher Important Notes
- Students must graduate from ASFA to receive credit.
- Students must attend UAB directly from ASFA to receive credit.
- All credit is awarded as “Pass” credit.
Alabama School of Math and Science
Note: Effective for first-time freshmen entering Fall 2023 or Fall 2024. ASMS coursework is reviewed and reevaluated for possible transfer every two years.
You must earn a "B" or better in the classes listed below to receive credit.
Subject ASMS Course UAB Equivalent Semester Hours Awarded Biology AP Biology Introductory Biology I 4 Introductory Biology II 4 Chemistry AP Chemistry CH 115: General Chemistry I 3 CH 116: General Chemistry I Lab 1 CH 117: General Chemistry II 3 CH 118: General Chemistry II Lab 1 Computer Science AP Computer Science CS 103: Intro to Computer Science in Python 4 Economics Economics EC 211: Principles of Macroeconomics 3 English AP English Language EH 101: English Composition 3 AP English Literature & Composition EH 212: Forms of Literature 3 EH 221: British and Irish Lit I: Before 1800 3 History AP US History HY 120: The United States to 1877 3 Math Intro to Statistics MA 180: Intro to Statistics 3 Differential Calculus + Integral Calculus MA 125: Calculus I 4 Differential Calculus + Integral Calculus + BC Calculus MA 125 & MA 126: Calculus I-II 8 Number Theory 3 hours toward major/minor in Math 3 Differential Calculus + Integral Calculus + BC Calculus + Multivariable Calculus MA 125, MA 126, and MA 227: Calculus I-II-III 12 Differential Equations MA 252: Differential Equations 3 Advanced Probability and Statistics 3 hours toward major/minor in Math 3 Linear Algebra MA 260: Linear Algebra 3 Physics AP Physics 1 & 2 PH 201: College Physics I 3 PH 201L: College Physics I Lab 1 PH 202: College Physics II 3 PH 202L: College Physics II Lab 1 Astronomy AST 103: Astronomy of the Solar System 3 AST 113: Astronomy of the Solar System Lab 1 AP Physics CI – III PH 221: General Physics I 3 PH 221L: General Physics I Lab 1 PH 222: General Physics II 3 PH 222L: General Physics II Lab 1 Important Notes
- Students must graduate from ASMS to receive credit.
- Students must attend UAB directly from ASMS to receive credit.
- All credit is awarded as “Pass” credit.
- Grade condition must be met for each term.
Credit for Military Service
UAB evaluates military service and educational experiences completed by active-duty military service and Coast Guard personnel. UAB will award up to 24 hours of transferable military credit for veterans using their Joint Services transcripts with ACE recommendations. Students who do not provide a Joint Services transcripts may be awarded four hours of Military Science credit based on receipt of their DD-214.
Students seeking military credit are required to submit their Joint Services Transcript prior to enrolling, just like any other transcript. However, for transfer students, the military credits awarded will not count towards the 24 transferable hour requirement because they are not GPA hours, but rather pass/fail courses.
To request credit for military experience:
- Submit your Joint Services transcript to . - Include your full name and Blazer ID in the body of the email.
UAB is an institutional member of Service Members’ Opportunity.
- Submit your Joint Services transcript to