Meet Our TrailBlazers

Isabel Blevins
Huntsville, AL
Public Health
Get to know Isabel
I am passionate about...Serving my community, working out, and I love to cook!
I am interested in (affiliated student organizations/groups on campus)...Trailblazers, honors college, and volunteering!
I chose UAB because...Of the diversity! I love constantly meeting new people, and UAB does a great job of giving its students new opportunities to learn about other cultures!
Favorite thing to do in Birmingham?I love exploring the thrifts and vintage stores in the area, I’m huge into up cycling clothes!
Best class you have taken at UAB?Definitely my freshman touch the future course, I had a super cool and fun professor and I actually learned a lot about being an adult and it made my college transition way easier.
Most surprising thing you have learned or experienced at UAB?That the green used to just be a road? I had no idea until I started doing tours that UAB students petitioned for a green space on campus, I also love this story because it shows UAB listens and cares about it students!
Best thing you've ate in Birmingham?Anything from the pancake house, 10/10 I love their food, a must try for me is the Santa Fe omelette. (Warning : their omelettes are the size of a small pillow)
Describe something new you tried or did at UAB and how it made you feel.I tried Rock climbing which is huge for me because I have such a huge fear of heights and it was actually super fun, my goal is to climb the gold route before I graduate and conquer my fear!
What does UAB mean to you?Acceptance, UAB is so cool because you could be totally completely different on paper but the environment here is so accepting, you’re more likely to be friends than anywhere else!