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Gift FAQs

Q: Can I accept a gift by a donor, visitor, alumni, study participants, students, or potential students?

A: Yes, if the promotional item must be inscribed or imprinted with words and/or pictures identifying the University or in the case of study participants the grant study. The individual cost of a promotional item should not exceed $25.*

In limited circumstances, appreciation gifts (not to exceed $25*), holiday cards**, plaques, and awards may be allowed if it is determined that these expenditures are in the best interest of the University and promote the purposes of the University.

*IRS Publication 463 (2014), Travel, Entertainment, Gift, and Car Expenses places a $25 per person per year business gift allowance. Items exceeding $25 would require the department to obtain a W-9 from the recipient and provide the information to the Controller’s Office annually in order to include in yearly 1099 tax reporting.

**Cards must be pre-printed with UAB and/or Department Name.


Goods and services may be charged to a Grant account; please note that each grants has different contract terms regarding what can be purchased, and the budget for each grant varies. Please refer to your grant contract to see the allowability for your specific grant. For more information, contact Grant Accounting (contact information can be found in the Financial Accounting department).

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