Designated Technology FAQ
Are there approved technology tools that are not on the Designated Technology Systems list?
Yes. The Designated Technology Systems list is not intended to be an exhaustive list of every technology tool approved for use at UAB; rather, it is a list of technologies designated as the preferred or authoritative tool for certain use cases. Tools also approved for use at UAB include:
- All tools and software included in the IT Service Catalog and IT Software Center.
- All modules, libraries and tools included in the Cheaha high-performance computing system.
- Web browsers including Chrome, Safari, Edge and others.
With the Designated Technology Systems list in place, will I be prohibited from purchasing solutions that work for our research needs, in favor of existing, centralized tools?
You will not be prohibited from purchasing solutions that work for research or other purposes as long as they comply with UAB security and procurement policies.
If a tool I want to use for another purpose has already been approved for a different use case, will the review process be streamlined?
UAB will follow the existing technology contract and product review process, which includes estimated turnaround times based on data classification. Over the last seven years, UAB IT has delivered according to these service level agreements 99.56 percent of the time.
Is UAB reviewing AWS and AI-based software, such as notetaking software?
UAB has an enabling agreement with Microsoft and Salesforce for cloud environments. UAB is actively pursuing enabling agreements with Amazon and Google. You can review UAB-approved AI tools. Many more AI tools remain under review.
Why are there delays in approving technology tools?
UAB IT remains committed to a streamlined but effective review of software. That review is based on data classification and risk with three service level agreements in place:
- If the software processes public data only, the software review is the same business day and in most cases, instantaneous.
- If the software processes sensitive data, the software review will occur within five business days.
- If the software processes restricted data, the software review will occur as quickly as possible. Depending on the use case, UAB IT or HSIS will be responsible for that review.
Over the last seven years, UAB IT has delivered according to these service level agreements 99.56% of the time. Please note this applies to campus procurements through UAB IT. It does not apply to procurements that go through HSIS.
Does the technology approval process mean that UAB is trying to restrict research software requests?
UAB’s policy does not seek to standardize research software that is discipline specific. If the research software has widespread adoption or application, then UAB would be interested in considering adding it to the Designated Technology Systems list.
Can software written or developed in-house as part of R&D and that we might distribute to colleagues to enable their research be approved for use at UAB?
If locally developed research software has widespread adoption or application, then UAB would be interested in considering adding it to the Designated Technology Systems list.
My department uses unique software. Does UAB process or policy restrict discipline-specific software?
UAB policy does not seek to standardize research software that is discipline specific.
Can UAB develop department-specific guidelines that recognize the unique needs of research software, ensuring both security and flexibility?
UAB is not seeking to apply a one-size-fits-all approach to research software unless there is widespread use and adoption of the software at UAB.
The Designated Technology Systems list does not include software I typically use. What can I do about this?
Follow the process outlined for review of IT-related tools and contracts.
Do software upgrades require a review?
Software updates do not require a review unless the data classification changes.
I am using a machine learning software. Does this need to be approved?
Machine learning is a type of AI and needs to be approved. It will be reviewed through a risk-based evaluation.
Can I use cloud-based systems used by research funding agencies and journals?
Yes, those are exempt from the purchasing process.
I am running an HSIS app on a campus system. Can I do this?
You should contact HSIS for guidance and approval.
Are the modules supported by the Cheaha high-performance computing system included in the Designated Technology Systems list?
If I have contracts with software vendors that are not on the Designated Technology Systems list or in the IT Service Catalog, can they be grandfathered?
If the contracts went through UAB procurement and security review then they are approved. If they did not, they need to be reviewed.