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UAB Tax Services strives to monitor and facilitate compliance with federal, state, and international tax laws that affect the University. Tax Services also endeavors to create and maintain a working relationship with the diverse University areas as to tax considerations for current transactions and to assist in planning for future tax situations. In meeting these objectives, Tax Services is entrusted with protecting the integrity and tax exempt status of UAB.

1098-T is handled by Student Accounting, FA-Studacct@uab.edu, (205) 934-3570.

Due to increased enforcement policies by the IRS and other taxing agencies, it is imperative that the University handle any and all tax matters in a timely manner. Any UAB area that receives notice, correspondence, forms to complete, or other communication from the IRS or any other taxing agency should forward the information to Tax Services via email at Tax@uab.edu, or through campus mail (801 5th Ave S, Financial Services Building).


UAB Tax Services is responsible for the following University actions/activities.

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