Explore UAB

 Top Hat is an engagement platform that empowers educators to incorporate active learning into every area of their course. Instructors use Top Hat during class to drive discussions, take live polls, and give students real-time feedback on how well they understand course concepts. Outside of class, Top Hat enables instructors to adopt and personalize interactive content, assignments, and assessments. Top Hat also offers services such as group training, individual consultation, and instructional design support to help faculty achieve their desired course outcomes.

Top Hat can be accessed from Canvas after the course instructor adds the Course Navigation link to their course.


Include instructions on who has access and where it can be accessed.

Live demonstrations of Top Hat are available to instructors on request. If you are interested, please email Connor OʼKane (connor.okane@tophatmonocle.com), Top Hatʼs Learning Solutions Consultant for UAB, or book a meeting with Connor directly.

  • Live chat in Top Hat’s platform: In the top right corner of your screen next to your name, click on the “?” icon
  • Email support@tophat.com

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