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PlayPosit logoPlayPosit is a Canvas-integrated platform for implementing interactive videos in lessons, courses, and curricula to foster active learning and increase learner engagement.

Some standout PlayPosit video engagement features include:

  • Interactive question types
    • Create, measure, and maintain engagement with embedded questions like multiple choice, free response, discussion, and more. Perfect for synchronous and asynchronous learning, alike.
  • Audience response system
    • Present live video lessons and have learners respond to questions in real time from any computer, tablet, or phone.
  • Learner-made content
    • Empower learners to create their own multimedia and interactive review content with learner-centered creation tools.
  • Course creation
    • Create standalone courses and tailor interactive content to different classes, trainings, and learning styles. Then, repurpose that content year-over-year to scale and save time for your instructional design team.
  • Actionable analytics
    • Use PlayPosit’s real-time analytics to understand how learners engage with material and retain concepts.


Follow the steps below to add PlayPosit to your course and begin building a Bulb (interactive video).

  1. Login to Canvas and navigate to the course you would like to connect to PlayPosit.
  2. Select Assignments(A) from the left column menu and click to add a new assignment(B).
    Screenshot of PlayPosit user navigation pane.
  3. Enter "PlayPosit Setup" in the Assignment Name(A) field.
  4. Scroll down to Submission Type(B).
    1. Check the Load This Tool In a New Tab(C) box
    2. Select External Tool(D)
    3. Find and select PlayPosit from the pop-up menu(E)
      Screenshot of PlayPosit user navigation pane.
  5. A pop-up will appear. Click Enter PlayPosit.
    Screenshot of PlayPosit user navigation pane.
  6. You have now authenticated into your PlayPosit account. You can now search through the premade Bulb library or begin building your own Bulbs with new or existing video.


You will access all of your PlayPosit assignments through Canvas, so you will not need a username and password. When you click on an assignment in your LMS, you will be brought to the PlayPosit Bulb you need to complete. Click the video to play it, and then answer the interactions that come up.

PlayPosit Status Page: Check to see if there are any known system wide issues that would explain your issue.

To submit a ticket to PlayPosit support, email help@playposit.org.

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