Explore UAB

Caroline Sciences logoCarolina Sciences is an online platform that offers engaging educational resources supporting STEM teaching and learning. Resources include eBooks, assessments, interactive lab exercises, videos, and simulations to enhance digital learning experiences.


  • Experimental design roadmaps to help students understand what they will be doing as they work through the hands-on investigation
  • Overview videos to facilitate student mastery of key lab techniques
  • Knowledge checks and pre-lab assessments to verify understanding, and give feedback to review important concepts.
  • Lab notebooks enable students to record, analyze, and submit lab results directly within the platform


Instructors participating in Carolina Science will recieve information about the program from their Carolina representative. To add assignments to their Canvas course, instructors can create external assignment links as described in the Getting Started guide.


Students can access Carolina Sciences from Canvas assignment links created by their instructor.

Instructor training can be provided upon request by your Carolina Sciences representative.

For assistance and support, students can contact support during the following hours:

Monday to Friday 7am - 4pm CST

Faculty assistance is through contacting their Carolina sciences representative Email.

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