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Christianne Strang.

Associate Professorcstrang@uab.edu
CH 238
(205) 975-7222

Research and Teaching Interests: The expression and function of acetylcholine receptors in the retina, retinal anatomy, retinal development, developmental neuroscience, behavioral neuroscience

Office Hours: By appointment


  • B.S., University of Miami, Art Education
  • M.A., Vermont College of Norwich University, Art Therapy
  • Ph.D., University of Alabama at Birmingham, Behavioral Neuroscience

Christianne Strang is a board-certified art therapist with 35 years of clinical art therapy experience. She earned her M.A. in Art Therapy from Vermont College of Norwich University in 1987. Dr. Strang received her Ph.D. in Behavioral Neuroscience from the University of Alabama at Birmingham in 2004. She joined the faculty of Department of Psychology in 2015. She is a past president of the American Art therapy Association and has served as treasurer for the American Art Therapy Association and for the Art Therapy Credentials Board.

Dr. Strang’s research interests include the application of neuroscience to clinical practice in art therapy and the study of retinal anatomy and physiology in health and disease. She is skilled in molecular, imaging, and electrophysiological techniques.

Dr. Strang teaches basic and advanced behavioral neuroscience courses, receiving the President’s Award for Excellence in Teaching in March of 2015, and the Blazer Way Award in 2022. She is course director for the UAB introductory graduate introductory neurobiology courses held at the Dauphin Island Sea Lab.