Explore UAB

Bridge Kennedy.

Associate Professor
Director, Online Undergraduate Program
CH 415L
(205) 934-8736

Pronouns: they/them

Research Interests: Human sexuality, LGBT rights, social psychology, aging, and health care disparities

Office Hours: By appointment


  • B.A., University of Alabama at Birmingham, Psychology/Cognitive Science
  • M.A., University of Alabama at Birmingham, Developmental Psychology
  • Ph.D., University of Alabama at Birmingham, Developmental Psychology

Born and educated on the UAB campus, I bleed Green and Gold. During the summer of 2007, I taught my first course. It was then that I realized that teaching is my true passion. In the classroom I encourage students to express their distinct perspectives while showing respect for and garnering knowledge from others whose backgrounds and views are different from their own. Furthermore, I cultivate a vested interest in learning by using examples that illustrate how the course materials apply to the circumstances of my students’ lives and to their goals.

While I am not an active researcher, I recognize the importance of staying abreast of current research topics and encouraging my students to get involved in research. Though psychology is my first love, I teach music at summer camps and conventions (in the US and most recently in Europe). My love of foreign travel and music have led me to my latest pursuits – learning the Dutch language and acoustic guitar.