Explore UAB

Undergraduate Research

Put the classroom into action by participating in health professions undergraduate research

The UAB School of Health Professions, which houses several nationally prominent research centers, ranks third nationally among health profession schools in National Institutes of Health funding. Through our mentoring processes, you have the unique opportunity to participate in components of these research programs and other cutting-edge research across the UAB campus.

As a SHP undergraduate researcher, you have opportunities for:

  • individual mentored research experiences.
  • team-based research experiences that bring to life the inter-professional health care team in a community service setting that culminates in a certificate in undergraduate research.
  • earning elective credit in your major by participating in research.

Click here to Get Started.

For more information, contact Samantha Giordano-Mooga, Ph.D., director of SHP Undergraduate Research at sgiordan@uab.edu

Undergraduate Research Curriculum Offerings


Thinking of submitting a grant? At least a month before you are ready,

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