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SHP R&I Grant Resources

Feel like you have too little time and too much stress? We are here to provide you with support.

New to conducting research or lost in the process? We are here to provide you with guidance.

We understand that research is a critical part of your role as a faculty member. That being said, the research environment is constantly changing and successfully securing funding opportunities can be challenging. We understand and are here for you.

Brainstorming Ideas

Questions as You Prepare to Submit?

A Month Before Your Grant Is Due...

R01 Guidance Summary

Managing Your Award

Please inform Jill Meredith upon notification of your grant award. SHP R&I will work with you to confirm/update your budget and have the award processed by OSP. OSP will send the finalized award to Grants & Contracts Accounting to have an account created. SHP R&I will distribute the account number to the PI and others as needed, add any applicable effort, and initiate any funded subawards.

SHP R&I post-award administrators will monitor your account to ensure expenditures are accurate and spending is on track as budgeted. We will send out account summaries and projections quarterly, and we are available to meet as needed. We will inform you of upcoming progress reports and/or extension due dates.

Helpful Links

Thinking of submitting a grant? At least a month before you are ready,

Declare Your Intent to Submit

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