Explore UAB

How To Get Started

Getting started only requires two steps.

  1. Review potential projects listed below under research opportunities.
  2. Make an appointment to meet with Samantha Giordano-Mooga, Ph.D., director of SHP Undergraduate Research. Email her at shpurh@uab.edu to discuss your interests and opportunities.

It is not necessary to have a mentor or project in advance, we are here to help you find a research experience for your career path!

Note: All Health Professions undergraduate students conducted any type of research are required to take Responsible Conduct of Research Training (RCR); HRP 200 (1 credit hour, online, P/F). This University and Federally mandated requirement for RCR training is required whether you are volunteering, being paid or earning credit hours.

We house a list research opportunities for you here. Other opportunities may also be available, so be sure to contact Dr. Giordano-Mooga at shpurh@uab.edu for the latest when you are getting started.


This event, a showcase for young researchers, always features a strong showing from students of the School of Health Professions. Sponsored by the UAB Office for Undergraduate Research and Service Learning, the UAB Expo celebrates excellence in research, creative activity and scholarship by showcasing the academic endeavors of undergraduate students. It is held every semester. Click here for more information and to download an abstract submission.

Thinking of submitting a grant? At least a month before you are ready,

Declare Your Intent to Submit

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