The UAB School of Business Green and Gold Fund managers meet Thursday, Oct. 23, at 7:15 p.m. in the School of Business room 320.

October 17, 2008

• UAB students manage investment portfolio

• $400,000 fund managed

• Students experience Wall Street rollercoaster

BIRMINGHAM, Ala. - The UAB School of Business Green and Gold Fund managers meet Thursday, Oct. 23, at 7:15 p.m. in the School of Business room 320.  The management team made up of university students controls the $400,000 investment portfolio that is actively invested in the stock market in an effort to turn a profit and fund university scholarships.  The students have first-hand experiences with the Wall Street rollercoaster of recent weeks, and to date, they are beating the street with their investment choices.

"In the third quarter, the fund was down about 1.9 percent and that puts us down about 7 percent for the year so far," said Laura Bordelon, the fund's chief investment officer and UAB senior.  "Compare that to the 19 percent loss for the S&P 500, and we are definitely beating the market."

Interviews with and pictures of the team at its regularly scheduled weekly meeting are available Oct. 23.  The Green and Gold Fund's faculty advisor Lary Cowart, Ph.D., chairman of the Department of Finance, Economics and Quantitative Methods, is also expected at the meeting for interview.