Montgomery wins top paper award at APDS Annual Meeting
UAB General Surgery Research Resident Kelsey Montgomery, M.D., has received the Outstanding Resident Paper Award from the Association of Program Directors in Surgery (APDS) Annual Meeting during this year’s Surgical Education Week in San Diego, California.
Division of Surgical Oncology participates in PanCAN PurpleStride Walk
The UAB Department of Surgical Oncology participated in the Pancreatic Cancer PurpleStride Walk on Saturday, April 29, in Railroad Park.
UAB Department of Surgery commemorates 20,000th robotic surgical case
The UAB Department of Surgery, along with hospital leadership, marked the monumental accomplishment of 20,000 completed robotic cases on Friday, April 28 with a public celebration in North Pavilion.
Kennedy assumes new role as executive vice chair of Department of Surgery
University of Alabama at Birmingham John H. Blue Chair of General Surgery Dr. Gregory Kennedy, has been named executive vice chair of the UAB Department of Surgery.
Chu named associate division director of UAB Gastrointestinal Surgery
University of Alabama at Birmingham Division of Gastrointestinal Surgery Selwyn M. Vickers, M.D., FACS, Endowed Chair Daniel Chu, M.D., MSPH, FACS, FASCRS, has been selected as associate division director of Gastrointestinal Surgery in the Department of Surgery.
Zope accepted into 2023-2024 INSIGHT Program
UAB General Surgery Resident Madhushree Zope, M.D., has been accepted into the 2023-2024 Integrated Networks of Scholars in Global Health Research Training (INSIGHT) program consortium.
UAB Department of Surgery hosts annual Resident Research Day
On Tuesday, April 18, the UAB Department of Surgery hosted its annual Resident Research Day. The yearly event serves as a platform for general surgery residents to present their ongoing research projects and discuss their findings with the UAB Surgery community at large.
UAB CVI awarded highest rating from Society for Vascular Surgery’s Vascular Quality Initiative
The UAB Cardiovascular Institute (CVI) received the highest possible rating of three stars for its yearly participation in the Society for Vascular Surgery’s Vascular Quality Initiative (SVS VQI).
Carter accepted into the Center for Underrepresented Research in Addiction program
UAB Division of Gastrointestinal Surgery Assistant Professor Angela Carter, Ph.D., has been accepted into the National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA) Center for Underrepresented Research in Addiction (CURA) class of 2023.
Muñoz-Largacha selected to participate in 2023 AATS Leadership Academy
UAB Cardiothoracic Surgery Resident Juan A. Muñoz-Largacha, M.D., was recently selected to participate in the 2023 American Association for Thoracic Surgery (AATS) Leadership Academy.
Wang featured on JACS CME Paper & JACS Talking Points YouTube Channel
UAB General Surgery Resident Rongzhi Wang, M.D., presented his research in secondary hyperparathyroidism at the 134th Annual Meeting of the Southern Surgical Association in December 2022.
Hardiman to join AOA medical honor society
UAB Division of Gastrointestinal Surgery Associate Professor and Assistant Program Director of Resident Research for the General Surgery Residency Program Karin Hardiman, M.D., Ph.D., has been selected for induction into the national Alpha Omega Alpha (AOA) Honor Medical Society chapter at UAB.
Read moreDepartment of Surgery welcomes new faculty member
The UAB Department of Surgery is honored to welcome Division of Transplantation Clinical Assistant Professor Dr. Muhammad Rabbani.
Members of UAB Surgery recognized at Service Awards Reception
Five members of the UAB Surgery Department were honored at the Annual Service Awards Reception on Tuesday, Mar. 21.
Where are they now?: UAB Surgery alumni highlight for Dr. Sophie Dream
In 2023, the UAB Department of Surgery is highlighting the many accomplished alumni of its General Surgery Residency Program and associated divisional fellowships.
Martin appointed to serve as consultant to Pediatric Surgery Board of the American Board of Surgery for the Pediatric Surgery In-Training Examination (PSITE)
UAB Division of Pediatric Surgery Associate Professor and Vice Chair of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Dr. Colin Martin was appointed to serve as a consultant to the Pediatric Surgery Board of the American Board of Surgery for the Pediatric Surgery In-Training Examination (PSITE).
Mustian wins SSAT Health Care Disparities Award
UAB Division of Gastrointestinal Surgery Clinical Instructor and Associate Clerkship Director Margaux N. Mustian, M.D., MSPH, is the recipient of the Society for Surgery of the Alimentary Tract (SSAT) 2023 Health Care Disparities Research Award.
Divisions of Plastic Surgery and Vascular Surgery welcome trainees on Match Day 2023
This Match Day, the UAB Divisions of Plastic Surgery and Vascular Surgery are honored to welcome new trainees to their programs.
UAB General Surgery Residency Program announces new trainees
The UAB Department of Surgery is honored to welcome ten new trainees this summer, including a preliminary resident for interventional radiology, PG2, and Integrated CT Resident.
Callaway and Wong featured on UAB MedCast
UAB Gastroenterology Assistant Professor James Callaway, M.D., and Division of Gastrointestinal Surgery Associate Professor Kristen Wong, M.D., joined UAB MedCast to discuss gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD).
Chief Residents for 2023-2024 announced
UAB General Surgery Residency Program announces the 2023-2024 Chief Residents.
Group from UAB's Center for Injury Science attends first investigator meeting for TROOP trial in Houston
Last week, a group from UAB’s Center for Injury Science (CIS) met with colleagues in Houston for the first investigator meeting for a large-scale upcoming trauma clinical trial.
UAB Surgery ranked in top ten institutions nationally for NIH funding
The UAB Department of Surgery has placed nationally as the 10th leading surgical institution for NIH funding in this year’s Blue Ridge Institute for Medical Research report, with over $13.7 million awarded to faculty and researchers in 2022.
UAB Department of Surgery welcomes four new faculty
The UAB Department of Surgery is honored to welcome four new faculty members who have joined the department: Srikanth Iyer, Ph.D., William H. Cook, M.D., FACS, Angela Carter, Ph.D., and Russell G. Day, M.D., FACEP.
Jaskula-Sztul featured on O'Neal Invests
UAB Division of Breast and Endocrine Surgery Associate Professor Renata Jaskula-Sztul, Ph.D., was awarded the Pre-R01 grant in the fall cycle of 2022 O’Neal Invests Cancer Research Support Mechanisms for Basic and Population Sciences.
Read moreLindeman selected for Macy Faculty Scholars Program
UAB Division of Breast and Endocrine Surgery Associate Professor and Section of Endocrine Surgery Chief Brenessa Lindeman, M.D., MEHP, FACS, has been named a member of the Macy Faculty Scholars Class of 2023.
Read moreLindeman to serve as Vice Chair of Education for UAB Department of Surgery
The UAB Department of Surgery is honored to announce Brenessa Lindeman, M.D., MEHP, FACS, as the Vice Chair of Education.
Locke reflects on membership in the American Society for Clinical Investigation
Division of Transplantation Professor and Arnold G. Diethelm Endowed Chair in Transplantation Surgery Jayme Locke, M.D., MPH, was accepted as a member into the American Society for Clinical Investigation (ASCI) in April 2022.
From business to medicine: Gibson serves as UAB general surgeon at Whitfield Regional Hospital
UAB Division of Gastrointestinal Surgery Assistant Professor Quince Gibson, M.D., MBA, has spent the last year and a half as the sole GI surgeon provider at Whitfield Regional Hospital in Demopolis, Alabama, but looking back, his path to medicine has proven far different from Gibson's initial career trajectory.
In the News: UAB Trauma Team Leads Stop The Bleed Training for Local Moms Group
Medical professionals from UAB, including Division of Trauma and Acute Care Surgery Injury Prevention Coordinator Libby Kellen, RN, BSN, demonstrated ways community members can stop a bleeding wound and help save lives.