ICYMI: Surgery Bootcamp prepares students for internship
The second annual Surgery Bootcamp took place earlier last month, May 1-12, and was hosted by Kimberly Hendershot, M.D., Britney Corey, M.D., Richard Stahl, M.D., and the Department of Surgery, and supported by the Office of Interprofessional Simulation team.
Read moreNew general surgery resident lounge coming soon
General surgery residents (from left to right) Margaux Mustian, M.D., Taylor Geraldson, M.D., Woody Farrington, M.D., Omeed Moaven, M.D., and Kavina Juneja , M.D., said they are looking forward to having a place to relax.The UAB Department of Surgery and General Surgery Residency Program are excited to announce plans for a new resident lounge space on the second floor of the Boshell Diabetes Building. This 3,040-square-foot area is expected to open in late 2017 and will feature a kitchen, a conference room, a sitting area, showers and lockers for general surgery residents.
Residents match into fellowship programs
Dr. Carla HolcombCongratulations to fourth-year general surgery residents Carla N. Holcomb, M.D., and Charles J. Keith, Jr., M.D., who matched into The Ohio State University’s Minimally Invasive/Bariatric Surgery Fellowship program and the Cleveland Clinic’s Advanced Laparoscopic and Bariatric Surgery Fellowship program, respectively.
Collawn receives PSF grant
Dr. Sherry CollawnShoutout to Sherry Collawn, M.D., Ph.D., who was awarded a $10,000 pilot research grant from the Plastic Surgery Foundation for her project, “Role of Matrix Metalloproteinases in Reepithelialization.” It is anticipated that Collawn’s findings will be disseminated in the form of an article for a research journal such as Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery.
Former faculty create medical student awards
At the May 19, 2017, School of Medicine Birmingham Campus Awards’ Luncheon, Travis Hull and Lauren Theiss were named inaugural recipients of the Robert J. Cerfolio Award for Outstanding Medical Student in General Surgery and the Mary T. Hawn Award for Outstanding Woman Medical Student, respectively. Thanks to the generosity of two former faculty members, Robert J. Cerfolio, M.D., and Mary T. Hawn, M.D., the UAB Department of Surgery has recently established two outstanding medical student awards. At the May 19 School of Medicine Birmingham Campus Awards’ Luncheon, Travis Hull and Lauren Theiss were named inaugural recipients of the Robert J. Cerfolio Award for Outstanding Medical Student in General Surgery and the Mary T. Hawn Award for Outstanding Woman Medical Student, respectively.
“Both of these former UAB faculty members are committed to providing medical students with opportunities that allow them to become interested in surgical specialties,” said Herbert Chen, M.D., professor and chair of UAB Department of Surgery. “Therefore, I think it is fitting that through their generosity we were able to create medical student awards in their respective names. Through these gifts, Drs. Hawn and Cerfolio are continuing to contribute to UAB and the training of the next generation of surgical leaders.”
Hull and Theiss were chosen as award winners because they each have characteristics that harken to the respective award namesakes, said Richard Stahl, M.D., associate professor and director of the surgery clerkship.
“Travis, like Dr. Cerfolio, is a vigorous and enthusiastic team player,” Stahl said. “His exemplary academic credentials are witness to his intellectual curiosity and certainly placed him near the top of an impressive list of candidates for this award, but it is his unpretentious and outstanding work ethic that hoisted him to the top of that list.
“Lauren was chosen because she demonstrated the leadership qualities embodied by Dr. Mary Hawn. In addition to Lauren’s strong academic performance, she exudes enthusiasm, self-confidence and a willingness to work hard side by side with her peers that encourages the esprit de corps that is so important in surgery.”
Robert J. Cerfolio, M.D., is an internationally known lung cancer surgeon who has pioneered robotic techniques that have been shown to reduce complications, increase survival rates and shorten hospital stays. He practiced at UAB for more than 20 years and, as of June 1, 2017, will join the faculty at NYU Langone as chief of clinical thoracic surgery. He also will become the first director of the Lung Cancer Center at NYU Langone’s Perlmutter Cancer Center.
“The best part of academic medicine is the ripple effect a good mentor can have,” Cerfolio said. “I enjoy the opportunity of mentorship, because young students and physicians that we coach can, in turn, positively influence countless patients long after we finish practicing. As academic surgeons, this is our legacy, and it is perhaps as important as the individual patients we have treated. I am deeply honored that UAB created this annual award.”
Mary T. Hawn, M.D., is renowned as an accomplished surgeon, health services researcher and leader. She is professor and chair of the Stanford University Department of Surgery. Her clinical area of specialty is minimally invasive foregut surgery. Hawn is a funded health services researcher whose projects focus on quality measurement and policy in surgical populations. She joined Stanford in 2015, after almost 14 years at UAB.
“In order to attract the best and brightest to surgery, we need to foster relationships with students and showcase the incredible careers that surgeons can achieve,” Hawn said. “UAB was an incredible place to develop my career as an academic surgeon. The medical students at UAB are some of the brightest, hardest working and inspirational individuals that I have met over my career. I particularly enjoyed mentoring students in their MedScholars projects and into careers in surgery.
“Seeing the world of surgery through their eyes is rejuvenating.”
To learn more about giving opportunities, support medical student education and honor the legacies of Drs. Hawn and Cerfolio at UAB, please contact Leon Ryan, director of development, at leonryan@uab.edu.
UAB performs 1st VATS lobectomy at VA
UAB surgeons performed the first video-assisted thoracoscopic surgery (VATS) lobectomy earlier this month at the Birmingham Veterans Affairs Hospital. This procedure offers significant benefits for patients in terms of postoperative pain, recovery time and complications, such as pneumonia, compared to a thoracotomy. The use of minimally invasive techniques such as VATS and robotics continues to increase across the country.
Read moreResident passes ABMQ exam
Laura Allen Hickman, M.D.Congratulations to third-year general surgery resident Laura Allen Hickman, M.D., who recently passed the American Board of Medical Quality Exam. Since 2013, UAB has had 15 faculty members, 9 anesthesiology residents, 1 surgery resident, 1 medical education staff member and 3 nurse practitioners pass the exam. Our department efforts have produced graduates who represent 8 percent of all those currently Board-Certified in Medical Quality. According to the ABMQ website, more than 300 healthcare professionals have been granted this certification.
Alumni Weekend
June 16, 2017 - June 17, 2017
The 2017 Chiefs’ Dinner, celebrating the graduation of this year’s class, will be held on June 16 at The Club. Additionally, for the second year in a row, the department will host alumni events, including the Marshall M. Urist Alumni Golf Tournament on June 17 at Robert Trent Jones Golf Trail at Oxmoor Valley and a Night at the Birmingham Barons at Regions Field on June 17.
Read moreHello, goodbye 2017: Orthopaedic Surgery Residency and Fellowship
Match Day 2017 ushered in a new group of surgery residents, while saying goodbye to others who will soon leave UAB for different programs across the country.
According to the UAB School of Medicine Office of Graduate Medical Education, 220 medical students from 63 U.S. universities and 27 international universities will join UAB as residents in 2017.
In a new series, the Department of Surgery will feature incoming and outgoing trainees for all UAB Surgery programs. This week, learn about those joining and leaving the Orthopaedic Surgery Residency and Fellowship programs.
Read moreHollis elected president of GME House Staff Council
Dr. Robert H. Hollis IVThird-year general surgery resident Robert H. Hollis IV, M.D., was recently elected president of the Graduate Medical Education House Staff Council for the 2017-18 year. The GME House Staff Council at UAB consists of resident representatives from each of the graduate medical education programs and meets monthly to discuss issues pertaining to resident work. The Council brings residents’ needs and concerns to the GME office in order to help facilitate change.
Beierle inducted into ASA
Dr. Elizabeth BeierleThe Division of Pediatric Surgery’s Elizabeth Beierle, M.D., was recently inducted into the American Surgical Association at last month’s annual ASA meeting in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. ASA members are surgeons who have traditionally made contributions as a practitioner, author, teacher and/or original investigator. ASA is the nation’s oldest and most prestigious surgical organization with an active member limit of 460.
Balentine receives CSAF Turcotte Grant
Dr. Courtney BalentineShoutout to Courtney Balentine, M.D., M.P.H., whose proposal was awarded a $20,000 annual Central Surgical Association Foundation Turcotte Grant by the Central Surgical Foundation Awards Committee. Balentine will be officially recognized during the CSA Business Meeting at the CSA & MSA 2017 Annual Meeting on July 31.
Chen named treasurer of APSA
Dr. Mike ChenCongratulations to Mike Chen, M.D., who was named the new treasurer of the American Pediatric Surgery Association at the 2017 APSA Annual Meeting on May 6 at the Diplomat Beach Resort in Hollywood, Florida. Chen’s three-year position also includes membership on the APSA Board of Governors.
In response to 'More surgeons must start doing basic science'
Recently, an editorial in Nature highlighted a trend that surgeon interest in conducting research is decreasing in the U.S. The article cited two recent studies that document this trend and called for improvements to the environment of academic surgery to again recognize the value of scientific research.
Read moreKennedy named SSAT recorder
Dr. Greg KennedyShoutout to Greg Kennedy, M.D., Ph.D., director of the Division of Gastrointestinal Surgery, who will soon serve as the recorder for the Society for Surgery of the Alimentary Tract.
Jaskula-Sztul, Nukaya receive research grants
Dr. Renata Jaskula-SztulCongratulations to Renata Jaskula-Sztul, Ph.D., and Manabu Nukaya, Ph.D., who recently received grant funding for their research projects.
General surgery residents train in Australia
General surgery resident Dr. Margaux Mustian and her husband Will sightsee in Australia during their free time.General surgery residents now have the opportunity to get international surgical training at Australian hospitals. This year, general surgery residents Matthew Giglia, M.D., and Margaux Mustian, M.D., spent a month in the resident training program at Westmead Hospital in Sydney.
Resident Research Day submissions due May 15
The Department of Surgery Resident Research Day is coming up soon! Submit your abstracts to Allison Moss via ammoss@uabmc.edu no later than May 15. Case presentations will be at 1 p.m. on June 5 in the West Pavilion Board Room.
Medical student wins ASCRS grant for ERAS research
Medical student Kevin Cofer presents at the 2017 Academic Surgical Congress.Congrats to Kevin Cofer, a rising third-year medical student at UAB, for receiving an American Society of Colon & Rectal Surgeons Medical Student Research Initiation Grant for his research pertaining to ERAS— enhanced recovery after surgery, a perioperative surgical protocol. Cofer will work with the Division of Gastrointestinal Surgery’s Daniel Chu, M.D., to study the effects of ERAS on surgery outcomes for black patients with inflammatory bowel disease.
Heslin, Reddy to speak at Living with Cancer Symposium
Dr. Martin HeslinThe Robert E. Reed Gastrointestinal Oncology Research Foundation and the UAB Comprehensive Cancer Center will host the Second Annual Living with Cancer Symposium on Monday, May 15, at the UAB Alumni House from 1-4 p.m. The Division of Surgical Oncology’sMartin Heslin, M.D., and Sushanth Reddy, M.D., will give talks, as well as a number of other speakers. CME credit is available.
Faculty listed in 2017 Top 100 Providers for Patient Care
Congratulations to the following faculty members who were listed in the 2017 Top 100 Providers for Patient Care at UAB, as ranked by overall MPCAHPS rating of 0-10:
Division of Orthopaedic Surgery welcomes 2 new faculty
The UAB Department of Surgery and the Division of Orthopaedic Surgery would like to welcome two new faculty members, Elie Ghanem, M.D., and Sameer M. Naranje, M.D., M.R.C.S.
Read moreLocke appointed to new position
Dr. Jayme LockeThe Division of Transplantation’s Jayme Locke, M.D., has been appointed to the new position of assistant chief medical officer for inpatient quality and patient safety with UAB Medicine.
Hwang to join UAB as director of burn center
James Hwang, M.D.The Division of Acute Care Surgery is pleased to announce the addition of James Hwang, M.D., as an associate professor effective July 1, 2017. Hwang will also be director of the UAB Burn Center.
Faculty recruit Lindeman’s abstract, talk honored
Dr. Branessa LindemanAugust faculty recruit Brenessa M. Lindeman, M.D., M.E.H.P., and her team of fellow authors from Brigham and Women's Hospital recently had their abstract examining the impact of NIFTP on malignancy rate for indeterminate thyroid nodule FNA cytology accepted for a podium presentation at the 24th Annual New England Surgical Society Surgical Resident and Fellow Research Presentation Day. The event will be held Tuesday, May 16, 2017, at the Conference Center at Waltham Woods in Waltham, Massachusetts.
Medical student to work in Tector lab after receiving ASTS grant
UAB medical student Richard Seeber was recently awarded a 2017 Presidential Student Mentor Grant by the American Society of Transplant Surgeons and will join Xenotransplant Program Director Joseph Tector, M.D., Ph.D., in his lab later this year.
Read moreOrthopaedic surgery resident wins at MASA
Dr. Brad WillsOrthopaedic surgery resident Brad Wills, M.D., won first place at the Medical Association of the State of Alabama poster symposium for his work, "Outcomes with Overlapping Surgery at a Large Academic Medical Center."
Wei to serve on journal editorial board
The Division of Cardiothoracic Surgery’s Benjamin Wei, M.D., has been selected to serve on the editorial board of the Journal of Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgery.
Read moreCall for speakers for the 2017-18 inaugural Surgery, Pathology, Biomedical Engineering Joint Seminar Series
The departments of Surgery, Pathology and Biomedical Engineering have come together to form a new research seminar series. The purpose is to provide a prestigious venue for world-recognized leaders in biomedical research to present their work and learn about the research programs in our departments. It also aims to foster more interdepartmental interactions, training and career development, while facilitating the academic year’s speaker schedules.
Read moreUAB celebrates women in surgery
Undergraduates, medical students, residents and faculty throughout the Birmingham medical community met earlier this week to discuss the personal and professional experiences of women in surgery and the various obstacles they face in the field.
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