Explore UAB

Mary Jacque

Associate Professor, Field Education Director mjcarrol@uab.edu
University Hall 3145
(205) 975-9353

Research and Teaching Interests: Child welfare, mental health, social work education

Office Hours: By appointment


  • BS, Wofford College, Psychology
  • MSW, University of South Carolina-Columbia, Social Work

Ms. Carroll joined the Department of Social Work in 2017 as Assistant Professor of Field Education. She has extensive experience in social work education, working for 10 years as a BSW field coordinator and for several years as a field instructor for BSW and MSW students. She began her career working with children and families in the areas of foster care and community mental health. She maintains her commitment to these areas by serving as Co-Chair for the Jefferson County DHR Quality Assurance Committee. Ms. Carroll also has experience in non-profit management and administration. Her professional and teaching interests include child welfare, mental health and field education. She is responsible for SW 494 Field Practicum and teaching SW 490 Field Seminar.

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