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Colleen F.

Associate Professor, MSW Program Director cmfisher@uab.edu
University Hall 3150
(205) 996-5145

Research and Teaching Interests: Social determinants of health, diversity and social justice, international social work, research methods, and program evaluation

Office Hours: M 12:00 – 1:00 p.m.


  • BS, Central Michigan University, Social Work & Psychology
  • MSW, Michigan State University, Social Work
  • PhD, Washington University in St. Louis, Social Work

Colleen Fisher’s research focuses on health disparities, both domestic and in the Global South, examining the individual, cultural, and structural factors that promote or hinder health and wellbeing among marginalized populations. Her current studies investigate victimization and minority stress experienced by sexual- and gender-minority individuals; pathways to wellbeing for HIV-positive single mothers living in extreme poverty in Kenya; and the development of participant-driven interventions. Her methodological work explores the use of participatory and capacity-building evaluation approaches, innovative measurement strategies to enhance retrospective data quality, and translation and dissemination of health disparity research findings to the non-academic public.

Dr. Fisher has taught at the graduate and undergraduate levels, including courses on research methods, program evaluation, practice with diverse populations, social justice, and study abroad. Her teaching scholarship focuses on innovative pedagogy and emerging practices to engage students and enhance learning both in and out of the classroom, including learning abroad, service-learning, and education on evidence-based practice.

Currently, Dr. Fisher serves on the board of the International Consortium for Social Development, the editorial board for the Journal of LGBT Youth, and CSWE’s Macro Practice Task Force. She has served as Chair of the Board of Managers for Social Development Issues journal since 2015.

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