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Jay O’Shields

Assistant Professor jdoshiel@uab.edu
University Hall 3144
(205) 934-3268

Research and Teaching Interests: Mental health diagnosis and treatment; biomarkers; social determinants of mental and physical health; advanced quantitative methods

Office Hours: By appointment


  • BS, Georgia Southern University, Psychology
  • MSW, University of Georgia, Social Work
  • PhD, University of Georgia, Social Work

Dr. O’Shields conducts a translational program of research with the primary goal of improving mental and physical health outcomes for people who experience major depressive disorder. He uses advanced quantitative methods to better understand how the social environment ‘gets under the skin,’ affecting biological systems associated with depressive symptoms. The primary focus of his research explores how experiences of childhood maltreatment affect inflammatory signaling and depressive symptoms in adulthood. His work has been published in Social Science & Medicine, Psychoneuroendocrinology, and Journal of Affective Disorders.

Dr. O’Shields has taught at the undergraduate and graduate level. His teaching experience has focused mainly on direct practice and statistical analysis. He greatly enjoys mentoring students and helping them see how their work can make a positive impact in the world.

Outside of work, Dr. O’Shields enjoys spending time with his family, cooking, and playing guitar. His favorite guitar is a blue 7-string S-series Ibanez.

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