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 LaToya D.

Assistant Professor of Field Education ldmelton@uab.edu
University Hall 3147
(205) 934-7445

Research and Teaching Interests: HIV/AIDS, homelessness, social work education, veteran services

Office Hours: M/W 10:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m.


  • BA, Stillman College
  • MSW, The University of Alabama

LaToya Melton is a Licensed Master Social Worker with 13 years of experience in the social work profession. LaToya began her career in 2005 at a local AIDS Service Organization, assisting individuals infected/affected by HIV/AIDS. LaToya is actively involved with the HIV/AIDS community and currently serves as Vice President of AIDS Alabama Board of Directors. LaToya has several years’ experience in social work education, serving as a Field Instructor, BSW Instructor, and Faculty Advisor of the Social Work Student Organization. While serving as an BSW Instructor, LaToya had the opportunity to present at the following national conferences: NASW 2014 National Conference (The Power of Leadership in Social Work Student Organizations) and CSWE 2014 Annual Program Meeting (HIV/AIDS 101: Increasing Competency and Advocacy in Social Work Practice). In 2015, LaToya decided to return to direct social work practice, serving homeless veterans through the HUD VASH Program; assisting homeless veterans with housing, supportive services, and intensive case management. While being dedicated to helping veterans establish housing and other supportive services, LaToya worked as a BSW Adjunct Faculty, actively involving herself with the VA’s MSW interns through shadowing and mentorship. Her continued involvement with BSW/MSW students helped her to recognize her true passion for social work education.

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