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Jacqueline Jones

Assistant Professor of Field Education jlwebb1@uab.edu
University Hall 3146
(205) 975-4938

Research and Teaching Interests: Child welfare, homelessness, medical social work, and social work education.

Office Hours: By appointment


  • BA, University of Alabama, Social Work
  • MSW, University of Alabama, Social Work

Jones is a Licensed Independent Clinical Social Worker with several years of post-master’s experience in social work. She worked as a work study student and graduate assistant for the Field Education Office at the University of Alabama from 2012 to 2016. After graduation, she worked with the homeless population, specifically homeless women and children. Jones then began a career in pediatric medical social work and has served that population for six years in different capacities.

She also has several years of experience in social work education, serving as a field instructor, field liaison, and BSW instructor. While serving as a pediatric medical social worker, Jones served as an MSW field supervisor, BSW/MSW liaison, and BSW/MSW field instructor for students from several universities throughout the Southeast. Her professional and teaching interests include child welfare, homelessness, medical social work, and social work education.