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TRIO Academic Services

The Upward Bound Academy

917 13th St. South, SL222

Birmingham, AL 35294



Upward Bound

The Upward Bound Academy at UAB consists of two Classic Upward Bound programs and two Upward Bound Math & Science programs. The Upward Bound Academy is an intensive year-round pre-college TRIO program funded by the U.S. Department of Education that focuses on the academic support and personal development of its participants during high school. It provides supplemental education, personal and academic counseling, tutoring, mentoring, career exploration, assistance with scholarships and financial aid applications, and the cultural exposure necessary for potential first-generation college students and/or economically disadvantaged youth to successfully complete both secondary and postsecondary education. All programs serve high schools in Birmingham City and Greater Birmingham Metropolitan area. Upward Bound Math & Science is dedicated to students who show strengths in Math & Science AND desire to pursue a STEM career.


The Upward Bound Academy has seven main objectives: Improved GPAs, Proficiency on standardized tests (ACT/SAT), High school retention and graduation, Rigorous high school curriculum, Postsecondary enrollment, Postsecondary completion, and most importantly to provide a family atmosphere of love, support, and exposure. Our goal is to motivate and prepare high school students in the target area who are socially and economically underrepresented in higher education to not only complete postsecondary education but to also become leaders in their careers and professions, improve their communities and change the world.


  • Financial and Economic Literacy
  • Assistance with college entrance exams and financial aid applications
  • Leadership Academy
  • ACT/SAT prep
  • Career and College Exploration
  • Test and College Application fee waivers
  • College Visits
  • Personal and Academic counseling
  • Rigorous curriculum
  • Tutoring
  • Cultural Enrichment
  • Earn College Credits (Juniors & Seniors)
  • Assistance with securing Scholarships for college
  • Four weeks residential component on campus at UAB


A student is eligible if he/she:

  1. Is a Rising 9th grade-12th grade student* at a high school in the target area: Birmingham City or Greater Birmingham Metropolitan Area.
  2. Is a citizen or permanent resident of the United States.
  3. Is a potential first-generation* college student (neither parent/guardian has obtained a 4-year degree); a low-income individual*; or is an individual who has a high risk for academic failure*.
  4. Has a need for academic support, as determined by the grantee, in order to pursue successfully a program of education beyond high school.

***Students who are accepted into Upward Bound Math & Science, can NOT be at risk for academic failure.***

  • Rising 9th grade-12th grade student: At the time of initial selection, has completed the eighth grade and is at least 13 years old but not older than 19, although the Secretary may waive the age requirement if the applicant
    demonstrates that the limitation would defeat the purposes of the Upward Bound program.
  • Potential First Generation College Student: Potential first-generation college student means (1) An individual neither of whose natural or adoptive parents received a baccalaureate degree; or (2) A student who, prior to the age of 18, regularly resided with and received support from only one natural or adoptive parent and whose supporting parent did not receive a baccalaureate degree.
  • High Academic Risk: Individual who has a high risk for academic failure (regular Upward Bound participant) means an individual who — (1) Has not achieved at the proficient level on State assessments in reading or language arts; (2) Has not achieved at the proficient level on State assessments in math; (3) Has not successfully completed pre-algebra or algebra by the beginning of the tenth grade; or (4) Has a grade point average of 2.5 or less (on a 4.0 scale) for the most recent school year for which grade point averages are available.
  • Low Income: Low-income individual means an individual whose family taxable income (after deductions) did not exceed 150 percent of the poverty level amount in the calendar year preceding the year in which the individual initially participates in the project. The poverty level amount is determined by using criteria of poverty established by the Bureau of the Census of the U.S.)

Apply Today!

Contact Us

Charletta Wiggins, PhD
Director, Classic Upward Bound and Upward Bound Math & Science
(205) 996-1564

Kirra Merriweather
Assistant Director of Upward Bound, Classic Metro
(Birmingham METRO Target Area)
(205) 996-1561

Vibert Garraway "VJ"
Assistant Director of Upward Bound, Classic CITY
(Birmingham City Target Area)
(205) 996-1559

Shayla Bateman
Coordinator, Classic Upward Bound and Upward Bound Math & Science
(205) 996-1563