Before Orientation
Take The Math & English Placement Assessments
- You are required to take the Math & English placement assessments if you have not earned college-level credit for either course.
- If you do not complete the placement assessment at least two weeks prior
to your orientation date, you may not be able to register for the appropriate
course during orientation.
- Please note that if you do not complete the math placement assessment and are placed in remedial math, it may affect your registration for science courses and timely completion of any science-dependent major will be delayed/impacted.
- For exceptions, deadlines, and instructions, please visit
Complete Canvas Orientation Modules
- You must complete all orientation modules in Canvas no later than noon central time the day before your orientation begins in order to register for classes
- Visit the Canvas website to access Canvas. Contact Orientation with any questions or issues.
VMASC Freshman Registration Survey
- Survey link is emailed approximately one week ahead of orientation.
- Responses sent to your VMASC Academic Advisor.
During Orientation
Day 1: VMASC Advising Orientation
- Advising Partnership
- Academic Expectations
- Anatomy of a degree
- Registration Information
Day 2: Group Registration
- Meet your VMASC Academic Advisor
- Create your Freshman Schedule
- VMASC Registration Folder:
- Personalized Course Planner
- How to Register on BlazerNET
Avoid Registration Holds at Blazer Beginning:
- Canvas Orientation Course completed
- Attend all orientation sessions on both days
- No other registration holds posted on your account
After Orientation
Set Up Your UAB Email
- Access your email through BlazerNET, or by visiting the UAB IT email webpage.
- Check your email regularly for any important announcements and communications from UAB.
Submit All Documentation
- Transcripts: Dual Enrollment, Final High School, updated official
- AP Grade Report / IB Transcript
- Proof of Immunizations
- Proof of Health Insurance
UAB Bookstore
- Find your course materials.
- Figure out your Technology Needs.
Notify Your Advisor If
- You retake the English or Math Placement test.
- Your transcripts came in after orientation with transfer credits.
Contact One Stop For All Other Non-Academic Needs
- Financial/Accounting/Scholarships
- Parking
- Housing
- Dining/Meal Plan
- First Year Experience
Why is my major listed as undeclared?
- Students who are admitted to UAB without a specific major interested are listed as "undeclared." However, do not worry! We will work with you to make sure that you take classes that count for a wide variety of majors, and we will assist you in exploring majors that may be a good fit.
- Sometimes, students may be pursuing admission to specific programs (such
as nursing, biomedical sciences, healthcare management, or engineering),
but they haven't quite met the program's academic requirements. When
this happens, the student will be listed as undeclared with an interest in a
certain program.
- Although they are still technically "undeclared," we work with students to help them meet the eligibility requirements for their program of interest until they are eligible to declare their major.
- Read more about changing majors by visiting the UAB Admissions Orientation FAQ.
What is the importance of taking a First-Year Experience (FYE) course, such as UASC 101?
- First-Year Experience courses offer students the opportunity to learn about UAB and the resources we have to offer, which aids in a smooth transition to college.
- UASC 101 is specifically designed for undeclared students and aims to help them explore major and career interests that may be a good fit.
- Furthermore, First-Year Experience is a graduation requirement for all UAB undergraduate students. First-time freshmen and transfer students with fewer than 24 credit hours of college coursework are required to take a firstyear experience course before graduating.
When should I contact my academic advisor?
- Your academic advisor will reach out to you approximately one week prior to orientation.
- If you have questions before then, please reach out to the Orientation office
( ) or the Admissions office ( ). - Once you have received an email from your advisor or spoken to them at orientation, you should plan to meet with your advisor once a semester to discuss courses for the upcoming term, as well as your academic progress and goals.
- Your advisor will also reach out periodically with updates, announcements, and reminders.
I transferred to UAB from another university. How can I know what credits I have already earned?
- Make sure to request your official transcripts be sent to UAB from the institution you transferred from.
- If you attended multiple colleges prior to UAB, you will need to request transcripts from all schools you attended.
- To see how your classes will transfer to UAB, you can consult the transfer credit equivalency database.
Who can I contact for general questions before the first day of classes?
- Contact One Stop Student Services. They can answer general questions or direct you to the correct office for more complicated questions.
Parent FAQ
Where can we go for questions regarding high school/dual enrollment transcripts, paying a student bill, and other financial questions?
- Please contact One Stop Student Services for these questions.
Who should we contact regarding immunization holds and student health insurance?
- Please contact Student Health for these questions.
Is there a way for me to see my student's academic information?
- Per the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA), the information of students attending a post-secondary institution is private and cannot be released without the student's expressed permission.
- However, we understand the desire of parents to be involved in their child's
academic success and have channels in place for students to release
information to parents if they so desire.
- Students can authorize third parties to login to a parent/guest portal.
- Students may also choose to sign a grade release form.
- However, please be aware that sensitive information cannot be released without the student's permission.