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If you are a current or newly admitted undergraduate student, you may request to change your major online using your Blazer ID and password.

Certain undergraduate programs have additional steps or academic requirements that must be met before your request can be approved. Please review requirements for your desired major in the Undergraduate Catalog before submitting your request. 

Please keep the following in mind:

  • Only two (2) major changes per semester are permitted.

  • Major changes submitted prior to the last day to add/drop are effective for the current term. Changes submitted after the last day to add/drop are effective for the upcoming term.

  • If you were admitted by admission appeal, you are admitted as an Undecided major for 1-2 semesters. Please contact your academic advisor for more information.
  • Non-degree students are classified as Undeclared and cannot change their major.

  • Student athletes must contact their athletic academic advisor to change their major. 


Current students should contact their assigned academic advisor. 

Prospective/admitted students who have not enrolled yet should contact their admissions counselor or Undergraduate Admissions at (205) 934-8221 or chooseuab@uab.edu