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Students with specific career goals or with unique intellectual objectives may propose majors and minors designed to meet their individual academic needs. The Individually Designed Major/Minor is designed to assist the student who would like a major or minor for which there is no established curriculum. The following policies govern the program:

  1. The student must be enrolled at UAB with a degree-seeking status.
  2. The student is expected to meet all core curriculum, general studies, school, and any requirements designated by the dean of the college or school.
  3. The student must satisfy all university policies for completion of a degree. This includes the university's residency and capstone requirement.
  4. A comprehensive academic proposal should be submitted which includes a rationale for pursuing the individually designed major/ minor as well as a list of academic objectives and learning outcomes must accompany your application.
    1. The proposal may include your academic interests, reasons why you are passionate about the topic you have chosen as a major, the societal significance of the topic, the courses you have chosen, and your career goals.
    2. The proposal must be focused, organized, detailed, and thorough. At least 3.5 pages in length, double-spaced, and grammatically correct.
    3. The proposal should articulate educational goals for critical thinking, knowledge, and delineate the expectations for your educational experience.
    4. In addition, the proposal should contain a list of learning outcomes. The learning outcomes articulate what you will be able to do at the end of your studies. These can be knowledge-based or skills-based outcomes. A minimum of 5 to 6 outcomes are expected.
  5. An Individually Designed Major must have a minimum of 40 semester hours with 20 hours at the 300 level or above (including 9 hours at the 400-level or above). An Individually Designed Minor requires 21 semester hours with 9 hours at the 300-level or above. All courses must be passed with a 'C' or higher. A course may not be used to satisfy both a major and minor requirement.
  6. A student should first submit an application for IDM to an academic advisor in the school most directly associated with the proposed program of study. The student and advisor should develop a plan of course work to meet the goals of the IDM. The application must be approved by the appropriate department chair (if applicable) and dean of the college or school. Any changes from the originally approved program must also be approved by the dean. Substitutions for courses are rare and must be submitted by the student's academic advisor and approved by the dean.
  7. When the proposal is completely approved it will be filed with the Office of the Registrar. A student will not be recognized as an Individually Designed Major/Minor until their program has been filed.
  8. Certain schools cannot award degrees for Individually Designed Majors/Minors due to accreditation requirements. Students should discuss this with their academic advisor.

The Individually Designed Major or Minor must be reviewed and approved by the departments involved, by the dean of the school in which the degree will be awarded, and by the Office of the Registrar. For advising on program development consult your academic advisor. For approval procedures, consult the Office of the Registrar, registrar@uab.edu; 1300 University Blvd. Campbell Hall 117A, Birmingham, AL 35294.

Return the form to the Office of the Registrar:

1300 University Blvd. Campbell Hall 117A, Birmingham, AL 35294
(205) 934-8828