American College of Surgeons
Educating and training surgeons remains integral across the entire spectrum of College activities. Rely on the ACS to be your premier source for surgical education and take advantage of a wide variety of resources appropriate for your learning needs.
ACGME Core Competencies
The ACGME accredits Sponsoring Institutions and residency and fellowship programs, confers recognition on additional program formats or components, and dedicates resources to initiatives addressing areas of import in graduate medical education.
The Electronic Residency Application Service® (ERAS®) is the centralized online application service you’ll use to deliver your application, along with supporting documents, to residency programs.
UAB Campus Map
While preparing for residency or fellowship at UAB, be sure to review the campus map.
Surgical Core
The SCORE Portal® is an innovative nonprofit initiative to provide residents and residency programs with high-quality educational materials and a structured program for self-learning.