The Pediatric Pulmonary division at UAB is a leader in all facets of academic medicine including care, education, and research. It includes 15 faculty members and nearly 85 divisional personnel dedicated to advancing our understanding and treatment of pediatric pulmonary disorders. It is the home of the MCHB-funded Pediatric Pulmonary Center (PPC), the UAB CFFT Therapeutic Development Network Translational Research Center, the UAB Center for CFTR Detection Core within the CFFT-TDN, a CFF accredited CF Care Center, and the Translational Research in Normal and Disordered Development (TReNDD) Program. It supports subspecialty fellowship training in both Pediatric Pulmonology and Sleep Medicine, and master's level training in nursing, social work, nutrition, and respiratory therapy. In 2008 the Pediatric Pulmonary division at UAB provided inpatient nearly10,000 bed/days of inpatient care, performed over 1,500 sleep studies, and logged over 7,500 outpatient visits. Divisional grant support has totaled over $2.2 million dollars in 2009, and 7 faculty members were named to the 2008 'Best Doctors in America' list.
Children's Hospital has a completely equipped and highly staffed pulmonary lab that performs diagnostic testing for diseases including, but not limited to, cystic fibrosis, asthma, exercised induced bronchospasm, cancer, sarcoidosis and muscular dystrophy. The lab also performs pulmonary function tests, diffusion studies, exercise testing, nasal brushings and bronchoscopies. The lab works closely with hospital staff, inpatients and outpatients and directly with the pediatric pulmonologist, who interprets testing performed in the pulmonary lab. The Division of Pediatric Pulmonary and Sleep Medicine provides comprehensive care and diagnostic services for:
Acute and chronic lung diseases including cystic fibrosis
Asthma and allergies including atopic dermatitis, angioedema and urticaria
Diseases of the immune system
Division personnel oversee a pediatric pulmonary function laboratory, bronchoscopy service and sleep disorders center. The associated Cellular Immunobiologist Unit is supported by both the Lurleen B. Wallace Tumor Institute and the Department of Pediatrics.
Major research interests include:
Basic and clinical research in cystic fibrosis
Investigations into the regulation of the immune system
Mechanisms underlying deficiency syndromes
Studies of the oncogenic events which result in B cell malignancies an of T and B cell differentiation
Related Centers
CFF Translational Research Center (CFTR)
This Center has a core grant to develop a new biomarker for CFTR and is currently the central reading site for this CFTR biomarker.
Dr. Steven Rowe is the international PI of the VX-809 study (targeting DF508 CFTR, the most common cause of CF)
Dr. Steven Rowe is the Co-PI of the international study of PTC124 (targeting premature stop mutations in CFTR). This agent grew out of observations piloted by Dr. David Bedwell of UAB Microbiology.
UAB was the top enrolling site in the recently completed Phase II study of VX-770 (targeting gating effects in CFTR).
Alabama Maternal and Child Health Leadership Network
Translational Research in Normal & Disordered Development (TReNDD)
The TReNDD Program at UAB is a collaborative group of investigators applying state of the art biological approaches to understanding human disorders of organogenesis, including elucidating basic mechanisms of organ and tissue development, and normal and disordered responses to injury. Core facilities provide physiologic and molecular analyses to support multiple projects. The laboratories within the TReNDD Program provide training for pre- and postdoctoral trainees in related research. The collaborative environment fosters excellence and facilitates extramural funding through single investigator and multiple investigator projects from a wide range of disciplines.
Faculty & Staff
Division Director
Faculty List
Pulmonary & Sleep Medicine Faculty
Allie Curl
Administrative Supervisor