The Pediatric Nephrology fellowship program at the UAB has been in existence for over 20 years. We are housed in a Level 1 trauma center dedicated to the care of children. We accept 1 fellow per year who joins fellows from 17 other divisions.
The first year of fellowship concentrates on clinical training with intensive research training in the second and third years. Elective rotations consist of pathology, urology, and interventional nephrology. Available research collaborations across UAB encompass basic science, adult nephrology, and pediatric nephrology.
Additional program training resources include the possibility of obtaining a Masters in Public Health, a State-of-the-Art Simulation Center located within our institution, the UAB Institute of Personalized Medicine, the UAB Comprehensive Transplant Institute, Health Disparities Research Center, and the Pediatric and Infant Center for Acute Nephrology (PICAN). Upon program completion, our fellows are prepared clinically in all aspects of Pediatric Nephrology.
Division Research Activities
Nephrotoxic Injury Negation by Just-in-time Action (NINJA)
The Genetic Contribution to Drug Induced Renal Injury: The Drug Induced Renal Injury Consortium (DIRECT)
Physiology of Early Essential Hypertension
Genetics of Renal Cystic Disease
Role of Vasculature in Chronic Kidney Transplant Dysfunction
Prevention of Sickle Cell Nephropathy
Pharmacogenomics of Immunosuppressives and Anti-Hypertensives (Personalized Medicine Initiative)
“I am investigating the performance of novel urine and serum biomarkers for identifying subclinical kidney transplant rejection and comparing this to the current screening standard of serum creatinine with the hopes of having higher confidence in the NPV of the novel markers, ultimately preventing unnecessary screening biopsies should they prove quiescent. A secondary aim is to evaluate the performance of these biomarkers in true biopsy proven rejection to see if they became elevated earlier than creatinine in the disease course in the hopes of perhaps prompting earlier for cause biopsies for elevation of these markers alone to catch rejection sooner and act upon it.” - Kyle Deville, M.D., Second Year Fellow
Recent Publications
Neutral pH and low-glucose degradation product dialysis fluids induce major early alterations of the peritoneal membrane in children on peritoneal dialysis. Kidney Int. 2018; 94(2):419-429. [PMID 29776755] (Fathallah)
Acute kidney injury, fluid overload, and outcomes in children supported with extracorporeal membrane oxygenation for a respiratory indication. ASAIO J. 2019. [PMID 31045919] (Askenazi)
CYP3A5 genotype affects time to therapeutic tacrolimus level in pediatric kidney transplant recipients. Pediatr Transplant. 2019; e13494. [PMID 31124575] (Yanik, Seifert, Feig)
CYP3A5 genotype affects time to therapeutic tacrolimus level in pediatric kidney transplant recipients. Pediatr Transplant. 2019; e13494. [PMID 31124575] (Yanik, Seifert)
Furosemide response predicts acute kidney injury in children after cardiac surgery. J Thorac Cardiovasc Surg. 2019. [PMID30745052] (Webb)
Our Team

Dan Feig, M.D., Ph.D., M.S.

Tennille Webb, M.D.