Our division, working in conjunction with the UAB Multiple Sclerosis Center, fosters clinical, research and educational activities in the area of neuroimmunology with emphasis on multiple sclerosis. Approximately 300 new patient evaluations for multiple sclerosis are performed annually. In addition, patients with myasthenia gravis, the Lambert-Eaton myasthenic syndrome, Guillain-Barre syndrome, chronic demyelinating polyneuropathy, sarcoidosis, neuro-Behcet's disease, paraneoplastic syndromes, vasculitides, inflammatory myopathies and other neuroimmunologic disorders are assessed and managed.
The Neuroimmunology and Multiple Sclerosis Fellowship at UAB provides an opportunity for neurologists with an interest in clinical neuroimmunology to develop specialized expertise in patient care and research for individuals with MS and related disorders. Fellows may tailor the fellowship to their own interests and career plans under the mentorship of faculty from the Division of Neuroimmunology, and are encouraged to develop collaborations across campus with experts from a range of clinical and academic disciplines.
Investigators in our division conduct both basic and clinical research in the areas of experimental allergic encephalomyelitis, immunological and structural studies of the idiotypic network in demyelinating disease, immunochemical features of myelin basic protein, and the relationship of myelin basic protein-like material and para-cresol sulfate. New programs of research are in the areas of delayed myelinogenesis and in magnetic resonance spectroscopy and demyelinating disease.
Anatomy of a Clinical Trial
The support of visionary philanthropic partners provides the potential for major breakthroughs in treatment, training and research. Your gift enables UAB to make investments in key areas that will help us become a first choice for education and healthcare.
Contact Us
For general questions about the division, contact:
UAB Division of Neuroimmunology
1720 7th Avenue South, Sparks Center 440
Birmingham, AL 35294
For patient appointments, contact:
The Kirklin Clinic
For urgent physician referrals, contact:
P:1.800.UAB.MIST (822.6478)
To learn more about the UAB Multiple Sclerosis Center, please visit our website at www.uab.edu/medicine/multiplesclerosis