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For more information about the CCTS Translational Science Symposium contact:
Tyren Lucas, MBA
Director, CCTS Training Academy
(205) 934-6670

You’re Invited to Share Your Science! 

CCTS 2023 poster sessionWe are excited to invite you to participate in the CCTS Translational Research Poster Session, which will be featured at the upcoming 2024 Translational Science Symposium held in person at the Ross Bridge Renaissance Golf Resort and Spa in Birmingham, Alabama from September 25-27th, 2024. This poster session is a unique opportunity to present your research, engage with fellow symposium attendees, and create synergistic collaborations through a premier networking event!


Submit Your Research Now!

Poster Topics

All poster submissions must be directly related to translational science and translational research. Poster sessions provide an informal platform for presenting research data or showcasing innovative practices. We welcome a broad range of research methodologies, including experimental studies, applied research, program evaluations, and literature reviews that address key research questions. We also encourage the submission of posters that highlight innovative practices or interventions. Whether you are presenting preliminary findings or final outcomes, your contribution will add valuable insights to the symposium.

Poster Session Details

Who: Pre-doctoral Trainees, Post-Doctoral Scholars, Early-Stage Investigators
When: September 26th from 5:15-6:30 PM
Where: Ross Bridge Renaissance Golf Resort and Spa
How to sign up: Register your poster topic/abstract here
Deadline: Call for posters ends September 6th, 2024

Poster Session Awards & Evaluation criteria

CCTS will select up to three poster presentations to be recognized for excellence in research. Posters will be evaluated based on the quality of the submission and the degree of focus. There is no external funding for this award and the recipients do not receive cash prizes.

Poster Presentation Guidelines

  • Poster abstract cannot exceed 250 words (submitted through poster presentation registration) and should include a brief summary of the research, including any applicable research background information, methods, results, and conclusions.
  • Poster dimensions are 48 inches wide x 36 inches tall
  • Research title is to be clearly displayed on the poster along with the primary presenter’s name, e-mail, institution, and name(s) of additional collaborators/authors (if applicable).
  • All graphics and images are to be labeled clearly and include legends where necessary.
  • Presenter must be present at their poster during designated presentation times to discuss the research and to any answer questions from the judges and attendees.
  • Layman's terms should be utilized when necessary to ensure understanding by a broad audience.
  • All data needs to be accurate and honestly represented. Do not manipulate images or data to mislead the audience.
  • Properly reference all sources of information, images, and data.
  • Provide full citations for any referenced work and properly credit all contributors, collaborators, and funding sources.

If you have questions about the poster session please This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

For more information about the CCTS Translational Science Symposium contact:
Tyren Lucas, MBA
Director, CCTS Training Academy
(205) 934-6670