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For more information about the CCTS Translational Science Symposium contact:
Tyren Lucas, MBA
Director, CCTS Training Academy
(205) 934-6670

See below for the agenda at a glance (subject to change). More details will be added as they are available. Subscribe to the weekly CCTS Digest to stay informed on this and other CCTS events.

Wednesday, September 25, 2024

12:00 - 5:00 PM Registration and Check-In
   Renaissance Birmingham Ross Bridge Golf Resort & Spa, 4000 Grand Ave, Birmingham, AL 35226
2:30 - 4:30 PM CCTS Strategic Planning Committee Meeting *By Invite Only*
5:00 - 6:00 PM Celebrating The CCTS: Reflecting on the Accomplishments of The CCTS
   Opening Keynote: Victoria Seewaldt, MD (City of Hope - National Cancer Center)
“The Future of Community Engagement and Outcomes Research”
6:00 - 8:00 PM Networking and Welcome Reception (*Hors D’Oeuvres will be served*)

Thursday, September 26, 2024

8:00 - 8:45AM Partner Network Scholarship Breakfast
8:45 - 8:50AM Opening Remarks
8:50 - 9:50AM

ACTion Learning – The Reluctant Networker: Lessons for the Introverts and Extroverts”

10:00 - 11:15AM

Dissemination and Implementation Science
Kathleen Stevens, PhD (UTHCSA) and Bertha Hidalgo, PhD (UAB)

11:30AM - 12:40PM Lunch and Keynote
   Keynote Speaker: Ravi Thadhani, MD (Emory University)
“Integration of research and practice across health systems and academic medical centers”
1:00 - 2:00PM Dissemination and Implementation Science EAC Pre-Meeting *By Invite Only*
1:00 - 2:00PM Leveraging Existing Datasets to Answer Research Questions (Three 20 minute mini-sessions)
2:00 - 3:30PM Grantsmanship Concurrent Sessions
   Room 1: Trainee Grantsmanship
   Room 2: Early Career Faculty Grantsmanship
   Room 3: Masterclass: Best Practices for Writing Institutional Training Grants
3:45 - 4:55PM Three Minute Thesis Session (Maximum of 40 slots - 2 split sessions)
5:00 - 6:30PM CCTS Poster Session
6:30 - 8:00PM CCTS Scholar’s Dinner and Keynote
   Keynote Speaker: Lee Hamm, MD (Tulane University)
“Becoming an Early Phase Translational Researcher”

Friday, September 27, 2024

8:00 - 8:45AM Partner Network Scholarship Breakfast
8:45 - 9:00 AM Opening Remarks
9:00 - 10:00 AM    Keynote Speaker: Neil Lamb, PhD (HudsonAlpha Institute for BioTechnology) “Defining Career Paths in the Biotech Industry”
10:15AM - 12:15PM

Case Studies In Mentoring (Register through CSiM website) Sessions 1&2
Natalie Gassman, PhD (UAB), Elizabeth Jackson, MD (UAB)

10:15AM - 12:15PM Career Development Concurrent Sessions
   Room 2: Trainee Career Development
   Room 3: Early Career Faculty Career Development
11:45 AM - 12:15 PM Industry Careers and Alternative Career Pathways
For more information about the CCTS Translational Science Symposium contact:
Tyren Lucas, MBA
Director, CCTS Training Academy
(205) 934-6670