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Peter Hendricks will study psilocybin, a psychedelic compound, on its effects on smoking cessation. Researchers at the University of Alabama at Birmingham, Johns Hopkins University and New York University were awarded nearly $4 million in funding to study the efficacy of psilocybin, a classic psychedelic compound, in helping people quit smoking.
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Substance use, mental health and HIV infection are intimately linked. Both substance use and mental health can contribute to a person's risk of HIV infection — and in their success at controlling HIV after diagnosis. Too often, however, the providers who help patients with these issues are separated by disciplinary and geographical boundaries. Stigma is also a barrier.
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Knee osteoarthritis occurs when the soft cartilage lining the knee joint wears away, leaving bone to rub directly on other bone. The Arthritis Foundation estimates that 14 million Americans have symptomatic knee osteoarthritis, with lifetime risk of developing the condition at 45 percent.
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Many people pride themselves on their ability to get through life on minimal sleep, but research has made it clear that rest is crucial to health. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention calls insomnia — insufficient sleep that affects a person’s day-to-day functioning — a “public health crisis.” What is not so clear is how insomnia leads to pain-related consequences.