Located in the heart of Alabama's business center, UAB's Collat School of Business offers an engaging learning environment with classrooms extending well beyond the walls of the UAB campus. Our unique location allows our faculty to integrate the practical experiences of the state's leading companies — from Fortune 500 corporations to entrepreneurial startups — into the programs we offer. Our students gain valuable, real-world experience through a wide variety of internships and other opportunities in the business community.
Video Transcript
[00:00] (unidentified female voice) The business school is so innovative and so is the university. There are always exciting developments taking place. It's not just the same old, same old. We're always looking to do things better.
[00:14] (Dr. Eric Jack) What UAB is about, its life changing. Faculty members represent some of the best and brightest in their business disciplines. So you're not being taught by graduate students, you're being taught by high-quality faculty members who are experts in their field, and current in their research.
[00:35] (Dr. Stephanie Yates) We stress experiential learning, we stress service learning, we stress bridging that gap between theory and practice. And I think that's very very important in this day and age because you have to have a set of skills that is unique to you and in demand in the work force. And that's what we do.
[00:56] (Dr. Molly Wasko) Innovation comes when ideas cross boundaries. There are opportunities here that I haven't seen in another university setting, which is why I think it is so innovative. Our students have a tremendous opportunity to get engaged with students in engineering, students in biotechnology, to help commercialize ideas and get them off this campus and start them in new companies and the community.
[01:19] (Taylor Wyatt, co-founder, Motion Mobs; president, Kiosk Evolution; UAB Collat Alumna, Information Systems) I had decided really early on that I wanted to be an entrepreneur, and then I wanted to create something that can change the community. Having the insight and leadership from professors at UAB who had started their own businesses really helped me as I was growing my career to understand things that I could avoid or things that I could improve on. And having very real-world experiences in a classroom setting really was invaluable to me.
[01:48] (Dr. Stephanie Yates) Our students get jobs. They learn skills that allow them to quote hit the ground running.
[01:57] (unidentified female student) Whatever you want to do, UAB will find a way to make that happen. UAB really shaped the direction I wanted to go in. I know what I want to do, and I know that I I have the knowledge, the skills, the experience to back me up on that.
The Collat School of Business is the first named school at the University of Alabama at Birmingham, a world-renowned academic research center. We draw students from a variety of educational backgrounds with diverse life experiences, but as a group they share a common drive. They are unafraid of sacrifice; they are willing to earn their success. Our students understand the practical application of education to their careers, and so they demand more of themselves, their professors, and their fellow students. They go beyond the classroom and engage in real world business opportunities that prepare them for long-term career success.

Our faculty's teaching skills complement our students' uncompromising efforts. They are also accomplished researchers, publishing papers and textbooks that contribute to the growing body of knowledge within the business disciplines. But, our faculty members are more than just skilled teacher-scholars. They are deeply experienced professionals, having worked for some of the world's leading companies: Ford, Deloitte, United Airlines, Motorola, Eli Lilly, UPS, and U.S. Steel, to name a few. It's this combination of faculty scholarship and professional experience that makes a UAB business degree both practical and relevant. We also have a highly dedicated and caring staff members whose encouragement and personal attention helps our students succeed in their endeavors.
Fall 2022 Data
Our service centers and institutes provide students with opportunities for hands-on experiential learning and create impactful avenues to engage and serve our Birmingham community. In these efforts we function as value-added partners with community organizations that empower targeted audiences ranging from K-12 students to entrepreneurial start-ups and high-performing work teams.
Thank you for this opportunity to introduce the UAB Collat School of Business. Please explore our site and contact us with any questions or comments.