The Title IX Office offers training and professional development opportunities for all UAB students, staff, and faculty. Explore these pages to access educational materials, request a live training, review information about the required training, or learn more about getting involved.
Sessions are offered both virtually and in-person. Our sessions are tailored to the needs of each group and offer an engaging space to learn about policies, procedures, responsibilities, and resources. You can request an information session at any time through the Title IX Training Request Form.
The Title IX Office is always seeking new ideas and opportunities for collaboration. To discuss prevention and education efforts, please email us at
Students, including undergraduate, graduate, and professional school students, are strongly encouraged to complete training on an annual basis. The online module can be accessed through Canvas.
In-person Title IX training for student organizations and groups can be requested through the Title IX Training Request Form.
If you feel you may struggle to complete this training due to certain triggers, please email the Title IX Office for alternative educational materials:

The Title IX Office ensures compliance with Title IX Federal law. A component of the law requires sex discrimination and sex-based harassment training for all responsible reporting officials. Responsible Reporting Officials are required to notify the Title IX Coordinator if, in the course of their employment, they receive a Report of Prohibited Conduct.
Reponsible Reporting Officials include the following:
- Deans
- Assistant Deans
- Department Chairs
- Vice-Chairs
- Division Directors
- UAB Human Resources
- Division of Student Affairs
- Directors
- Resident Life Coordinators
- The Office of Access and Engagement
- Department of Athletics
- Director of Athletics
- Senior Associate Athletic Directors
- Head Coaches
- Assistant/Associate Coaches
- UAB Police and Public Safety Department
The Title IX: Building Supportive Communities training can be accessed through UAB’s Campus Learning System.
The Title IX Office also offers individualized training and consultation for faculty and staff on reporting obligations for navigating pregnancy in the classroom and the workplace; as well as other topics pertaining to ensuring a community where all persons feel safe and supported. Training requests can be made using the Title IX Training Request Form.
The Title IX Office works collaboratively with campus and community partners to offer Title IX related education and outreach, including sexual misconduct prevention initiatives. Explore the information below to access outreach and educational materials, review information about campus initiatives, and learn more about getting involved. The Title IX Office is always seeking new ideas and opportunities for collaboration. To discuss prevention and education efforts, please email us at
Get Involved Interpersonal Violence Program Red Folder
Training Requests
The Title IX Office is available to deliver training for your student organization, residence halls, classes, or staff/faculty groups.
We will work to respond to your request within three business days and can usually provide training within two to three weeks, depending on scheduling needs. Requests can be made by using the Title IX Training Request Form. Please contact the Title IX Office at