Order of Omega is a honor society for members of fraternities and sororities recognizing upper-class students who have exemplified high standards of leadership.
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Order of Omega was founded at the University of Miami (FL) in 1959 by a group of outstanding fraternity men, who felt that individuals in the Greek community should be recognized for their service to the fraternity community and the University.
On December 1st, 1967, a Chapter (Omega Beta) was chartered at the University of Southern Mississippi. The Order of Omega voted to become a co-ed organization in the spring of 1977. There are now almost six hundred chapters in the United States and Canada with approximately ten new chapters being chartered each year.
The Zeta Delta chapter at the University of Alabama at Birmingham was chartered on January 8, 1985 and has initiated more than 700 members since our founding.
Applications for Order of Omega are available at the beginning of the fall and spring semesters. Interested applicants must have a cumulative GPA at or above the all-FSL average, have accumulated a minimum of 30 college credits, and have exemplified high standards in the areas of scholastics, fraternity/sorority involvement, other college involvement and community service, academic involvement, and service to the fraternity and sorority community.
Each chapter of Order of Omega can initiate a maximum of 50 members, or 5% of their fraternity and sorority membership each year, whichever is highest. If you aren't selected the first time around, please apply again!

UAB Order of Omega executive board: Melissa Hall, Membership Chair; Rachel Shunnarah, President; Chase Rathgeb, Treasurer