Annual performance evaluation cycle opens July 1

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by Brooke Carbo

erep perf review 2024 550pxUAB’s performance evaluation cycle for 2024 opens July 1. Employees must submit self-evaluations, have conversations with managers, and managers must complete evaluations by Sept. 30. Eligible full-time (01) and part-time (03) regular-status employees in Workforce Group A will complete self-evaluations in the UAB Perform App; all faculty evaluations will continue to be uploaded into the UAB Perform App.

Performance management at UAB is an ongoing process where managers and employees assess job performance, set goals and action plans, and recognize achievement. Continued enhancements to the UAB Perform App have been made in preparation for the 2024 cycle based on employee feedback and the Campus Engagement Survey results. These updates help improve the usability of the app and allow a shift in focus to people-centered performance management.

UAB Learning & Development is offering three instructor-led training programs during the 2024 performance evaluation cycle:

For staff:

  • Performance Evaluation: Staff Making the Most of Your Review covers UAB’s overall strategy for performance management and the annual evaluation action steps, as well as self-assessment and preparation tips for a successful two-way conversation.
  • Making Feedback Work for You supports employee's in developing their feedback skillset (specifically providing and receiving). Participants will learn simple strategies for framing their feedback and apply them to a case study.

For managers:

  • Performance Evaluation: Planning and Conversations for Managers covers UAB’s overall strategy for Performance Management; includes planning, feedback, conversation recommendations, and action steps to submit an annual evaluation form.

For those who cannot make a live training session, two on-demand eLearning courses are available in the Campus Learning System — Performance Management Fundamentals for Staff and Performance Management Fundamentals for Managers.

Visit to explore curated tools, FAQs and additional resources to support managers and staff during the performance management process.