Explore UAB

A Winter Storm Warning has been issued for Jefferson County: UAB will alter operations Friday, Jan 10. Learn moreOpens an external link.

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Conflict of Interest Review Board (CIRB)

The CIRB is charged with the ongoing development of procedures for identifying, reviewing, and managing financial conflicts of interest as they relate to extramurally-funded research and all research involving human subjects regardless of the funding source.

Environmental Health and Safety (EHS)

EHS ensures that UAB complies with occupational and environmental health and safety rules and regulations necessary to conduct research involving hazardous materials.

Ethics Matter

UAB is committed to conducting its affairs in ways that promote mutual trust and public confidence. All members of the UAB community are responsible for sustaining the highest ethical standards of excellence, integrity, honesty, and fairness and for integrating these values into teaching, research, patient care, business practices, and other services of the university.

Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee

IACUC oversees the use of animals for research, teaching, and testing conducted at or by UAB.

Institutional Review Board (IRB)

The UAB Institutional Review Board for Human Use is a committee established under federal regulations to help protect the rights and welfare of human parti​cipants in research conducted under the auspices of UAB.

Integrated Research Administration Portal (IRAP)

IRAP supports electronic submission of funding applications and compliance forms and will seamlessly connect the operations of OSP, IRB, IACUC, IBC, Chemical Safety Committee, Radiation Safety Committee, and CIRB.

International Student and Scholar Services (ISSS)

ISSS provides immigration compliance expertise and cultural exchange events for approximately 1,600 international students, scholars, clinical faculty, researchers, IT professionals, staff, and visitors.


The UAB Libraries provide access to an array of rich and diverse scholarly resources that inform intellectual, cultural, social, and economic transformation of its community. It also provides the essential expertise to support excellence in education, research, patient care, and community outreach that collectively advance the success and impact of UAB.

Office of Sponsored Programs

Offers guidance on finding funding, preparing proposals, submitting applications, managing awards, closing out your project, and commercialization.

Research Administration Network Group (RANG)

The mission of RANG is to effectively optimize, engage, and coordinate the efforts of the Office of Research and the campus community of research administrators and faculty to identify issues, develop solutions, adopt best practices, tools, and tactics in the research administration arena, and to include a faculty voice on issues to support ongoing efforts to reduce the faculty burden in research administration.

University Compliance Office

The University Compliance Office manages UAB's Compliance Program, which serves as the framework for identifying areas of risk, addressing concerns, and measuring results.

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