Explore UAB

A Winter Storm Warning has been issued for Jefferson County: UAB will alter operations Friday, Jan 10. Learn moreOpens an external link.

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Cancer Prevention

NIH/NCI T32CA04788-1

Training independent researchers in cancer prevention, cancer early detection, cancer outcomes, survivorship, and palliative care.

Dental Research

NIH/NIDCR T90DE022736-06

A broadened interdisciplinary research experience for exceptionally motivated trainees in a research-intensive collaborative academic environment.

Exercise Medicine Pathobiology and Rehabilitation

NIH/NICHD T32HD071866-06

Developing scientists equipped to test and disseminate novel rehabilitative strategies that will alleviate impairment and compromised life quality.

Genomic Medicine

NIH/NIHGRI 1T32HG008961-01

Assists trainees in obtaining skills necessary for the conception, planning, and conduct of research in genomic medicine.

Health Services, Outcomes, and Effectiveness

AHQR T32HS013852-14

A mentored research training program in health services & outcomes research and comparative effectiveness research.

Heart Failure

NIH/NHLBI T32HL129948-01

Fellowship positions for post-doctoral and clinical fellows wishing to train in the broad area of heart failure.

Hypertension and Cardiovascular Disease

NIH/NHBLI T32HL007457-37

Provides highly integrated “bench to bedside” postdoctoral training with a primary focus on hypertension and cardiovascular diseases.


NIH/NIAID T32 AI007051-39

Multidisciplinary training opportunities in basic, translational and clinical research in the field of immunology.

Kidney, Urology, and non-Malignant Hematology Research


Transforming trainees from basic science and clinical disciplines into independent academic faculty committed to kidney, urology, and non-malignant hematology-relevant research.

Lung Biology & Translational Medicine

NIH/NHLBI T32HL105346-07

Multidisciplinary training that nurtures the development of highly competent and innovative biomedical research scientists.


NIH/NINDS T32NS095775-03

Focused program for predoctoral students in basic and translational approaches to neurodegenerative disease.

Obesity Research

NIH/NIDDK T32DK062710-14

Preparing post-doctoral scientists for scientific careers as independent investigators in obesity-related research.

Oncology: Basic and Translational

NIH/NCI T32CA1A183926

Training highly motivated pre-doctoral students as well as PhD and MD graduates in the fields of translational and fundamental oncology.

Oncology: Surgical

NIH/NCI T32CA229102

Comprehensive translational and health services research training in a mentored multidisciplinary, collaborative environment.


NIH/NIAMS T32AR069516-01

The UAB Division of Clinical Immunology and Rheumatology represents excellence in patient care, research, and teaching.

Teaching and Research in STEM

NIH/NIGMS K12GM088010-08

Providing outstanding research and teaching experiences while improving the recruitment of students from underrepresented groups into biomedical research.

Veterans Affairs Quality Scholars

Developing the next generation of health professionals to improve healthcare through innovations, quality improvement, and patient safety.

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