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Police vehicle siren lights.The Criminal Investigations Division responds to all reports of crimes on campus, whether they are initially written by officers or brought to the attention of the department through other means.

Captain James Granade is in charge of the Criminal Investigators and one investigator is specifically assigned to the Medical Center area. The division stays abreast of all crime trends in the state, city and county which may impact the UAB community. By studying local crime patterns, the division is often able to minimize criminal activity and reduce crime on campus. Each member of the division regularly attends professional training schools and seminars that deal with the latest crime prevention techniques.

The division works personally with victims and witnesses, recovers property, makes arrests, and obtains convictions in the Criminal Justice System. Through a partnership with the community, the Criminal Investigations Division seeks to reduce crime, ensuring a safer environment at UAB.

The division personnel are: Captain James Granade, Sergeant Johnny MarksDetectives James Howell, Stewart Upshaw, James Morrisey, Zaid Edmonds, and Latosha Tripp. This division reports to the Deputy Chief of Police, Zandral Washington.

Zandral Washington
Deputy Chief of Police
(205) 996-2247
(205) 934-4434 (Police Dispatch - available 24 hours 7 days a week)

James Granade
Captain, Criminal Investigations Division 
(205) 934-6848 (Office)
(205) 934-4434 (Police Dispatch- available 24 hours 7 days a week)




(205) 934-4434