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Alumni Association

Any optometrist graduate of the UAB School of Optometry is eligible for membership of the Alumni Association. Our members enjoy many benefits, and a variety of activities and events for students and alumni are sponsored by the Alumni Association each year. The Alumni Association is governed by an Alumni Board, elected annually by Association membership.

Annual Membership

Annual Membership is $150 per year, or $75 per year for young alumni (those who have graduated from two to five years ago). Graduates receive a complimentary membership for their first year after graduation.

Life Membership

Life Membership may be granted to any alumni who has paid a one-time sum as determined by the Alumni Association. Currently, Life Membership is $2,000.

Honorary Membership

Honorary Membership may be conferred upon an individual who has proven to be an outstanding benefactor to the UAB School of Optometry and/or to the Alumni Association. Recipients shall be selected by the Association’s executive council.

Friends, Non-Voting

Friends may join the Alumni Association. Dues are $125, and notices are sent every January.

For more information, contact Amy Drinkard at (205) 975-9931 or at amyrie@uab.edu.

Pay Alumni Association Dues