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Director of Residency Programs:
Caroline Beesley Pate, OD, FAAO

(205) 996-6635


The UAB School of Optometry offers advanced clinical education in specialty areas of optometry through three in-house and four affiliated residency programs. Currently, eight residency programs offer a total of 16 positions. All of the residency programs are accredited by the Accreditation Council on Optometric Education (1-800-365-2219). 

The UAB School of Optometry places significant emphasis on residency education. It strives to develop, maintain, advance and promote post-doctoral clinical training programs of excellence in the major areas of optometric care.


  • Doctor of Optometry degree from an ACOE-accredited professional optometric program
  • Passing score on parts I, II and III of the National Board of Examiners in Optometry examinations

How to Apply

All residency programs utilize the ORMatch Residency Matching Service for application.

In-House Programs

Cornea and Contact Lenses

Location: UAB School of Optometry
Program Stipend: $55,000. Eligible for health benefits, and professional liability insurance included.

One position available

The Residency in Cornea and Contact Lenses provides advanced clinical training for postgraduate optometrists. This extensive clinical experience allows residents completing the program to pursue professional opportunities that require a high level of expertise in the area of cornea and contact lenses, including specialty private practice, academia and industry.

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Pediatric Optometry

Location: UAB School of Optometry
Program Stipend: $55,000. Eligible for health benefits, and professional liability insurance included.

One position available

The Residency in Pediatric Optometry provides specialty clinical training for postgraduate optometrists. The program provides a unique opportunity for optometrists interested in the vision care of children and special populations and fosters exceptional, independent clinicians who will have the opportunities to excel in areas of patient care, education and research within pediatric optometry.

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Primary Care Optometry

Location: UAB School of Optometry
Program Stipend: $55,000. Eligible for health benefits, and professional liability insurance included.

One position available

The Residency in Primary Care Optometry provides advanced clinical training to post-graduate optometrists. This residency’s comprehensive didactic experience, strong clinical foundation in primary eye care, and flexible system of rotations in other specialty areas of optometry allow residents upon completion of the program to pursue professional opportunities which require a high level of clinical expertise, such as academia or specialty private practice.

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Affiliated Programs

Ocular Disease

Location: Omni Eye Services, Atlanta
Program Stipend: $47,000 (13-month program). Eligible for health benefits, and professional liability insurance included.

Four positions available

The Residency in Ocular Disease at Omni Eye Services attracts and selects the best qualified optometric graduates and provides them with concentrated clinical experience and advanced didactic knowledge in secondary care optometry. Training will be provided at a level to allow individuals who complete the program to deliver a high level of secondary eye care, serve as teachers in optometric or other professional environments and serve the profession as experts and leaders in secondary eye care.

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Ocular Disease with Emphases in Primary Care Optometry and Retina

Location: Tuscaloosa Veterans Affairs Medical Center
Program Stipend: $45,466 (12-month program). Health coverage, vacation, Federal Holidays, paid sick leave, and professional liability insurance for residency activities included. 52-week program with no on-call duty.

Two positions available

The mission of the Residency in Ocular Disease with emphases in Primary Care Optometry and Retina at the Tuscaloosa Veterans Affairs Medical Center is to provide a unique post-doctoral experience in a multidisciplinary setting with the intent of nurturing the residents’ development into exceptional optometric clinicians by broadening general skills and mastering additional specialized skills in the areas of ocular disease and primary care optometry through independent patient care while adhering to supervision guidelines.

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Ocular Disease with Emphasis in Refractive and Ocular Surgery

Location: Eye Center of Texas, Houston
Program Stipend:  $47,545 (13-month program). Eligible for health benefits and professional liability insurance included. A $500 stipend for continuing education is provided. The program begins on the last Monday in June.

Four positions available

The mission of the residency program is to provide qualified postdoctoral optometry graduates with advanced competency in all areas of ocular disease and co-management of ocular surgery. Patient care didactic education, and scholarship promote the development of this knowledge and skill. Residents who complete the program are expected to provide an advanced level of clinical care in ocular disease and co-management of ocular surgery.

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Pediatric Optometry (Vanderbilt)

Location: Vanderbilt Eye Institute, Tennessee
Program Stipend: $70,000 (12-month program). Eligibility for health benefits, and professional liability insurance included.

One position available

The Residency at Vanderbilt Eye Institute provides advanced clinical training in pediatric care. The Residency will include training competent and compassionate optometrists who provide high-quality, evidence based pediatric eye care and are prepared for a career in a medical and/or academic setting.

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Vision Rehabilitation with Emphases in Low Vision Rehabilitation and Ocular Disease

Location: Birmingham Veterans Affairs Medical Center
Program Stipend: $44,154 per year. Eligible for health benefits, and professional liability insurance included.

Two positions available

The Residency in Vision Rehabilitation with emphases in Low Vision Rehabilitation and Ocular Disease at the Birmingham Veterans Affairs Medical Center provides optometrists with additional clinical experience in geriatric and rehabilitative optometry that goes beyond the general optometric four-year curriculum. The clinical training in the residency program will result in the resident’s attainment of advanced competencies in eye, vision, health and rehabilitation care. The residency’s comprehensive experience includes participation in the Birmingham VAMC Optometry Resident Clinic, Southeastern Blind Rehabilitation Center, Outpatient Low Vision Rehabilitation Clinic and the UAB School of Optometry’s Residency Program. The program’s advanced didactic training and strong clinical foundation allow residents who complete the program to pursue professional opportunities that require a high level of clinical expertise, such as specialized optometric practice or academia.

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