Explore UAB

Tuition 2024-2025  
Resident $10,245 per semester $30,736 per year
Non Resident $18,004 per semester $54,012 per year
Non-Resident with Merit Scholarship* $13,337 per semester $40,012 per year
Mandatory Fees  
1st Year $1,196  
2nd Year $1,346  
3rd Year $1,346  
4th Year $1,184  
Insurance Cost  
Health Insurance (can opt out with proof of current coverage) $2,380  
Dental Health Fee (can opt out with proof of current coverage) $102  

*98% of our non-resident, non-contract students qualify for the School of Optometry Merit Scholarship.

In-State Tuition for Out-of-State Students

Southern Regional Education Board contract positions are currently available to students from the following states:

  • Georgia
  • Louisiana
  • Mississippi
  • South Carolina

Applicants must be certified as residents of the states from which they apply. Students accepted to the Southern Regional Education Board contract program pay in-state tuition.

Note: All contract positions are subject to yearly approval by the state legislatures. Selected students accept the contract positions with the understanding that their sponsoring state could possibly change the terms of the contract program agreement at their discretion.


Melanie S. Largin
Assistant Vice Chancellor of General Education and Student Pathways
Academic Common Market Coordinator

(404) 962-3081

Email: academiccommonmarket@usg.edu


Shannon Harris
Louisiana Board of Regents

602 North Fifth Street
Baton Rouge, LA 70821-3677

(225) 219-2732 | Fax: (225) 612-6508

Email: shannon.harris@la.gov


Shirley Mitchell
Program Administrator
Mississippi Institutions of Higher Learning

3825 Ridgewood Road
Jackson, MS 39211

(601) 432-6664

Email: smitchell@mississippi.edu

South Carolina

Kenita Pitts

Program State Coordinator, Academic Common Market and Regional Contracts
1122 Lady Street, Suite 300
Columbia, SC 29201

(803) 856-0037 | Fax: (803) 737-2297

Email: khoward@che.sc.gov

South Carolina Website