STREAMS program awarded funding from NIDDK
The UAB Department of Surgery was recently awarded a training grant from the National Institutes of Health and the National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases to support research fellowships for eight medical students, as part of the department’s Short-Term Research Experiences Advancing Medical Students program.
Read moreMartin to serve as SBAS representative to AAS
Dr. Colin Martin
The Division of Pediatric Surgery’s Colin Martin, M.D., was recently selected to serve as the Society of Black Academic Surgeons representative to the Association for Academic Surgery.
Martin’s two-year term in this role will begin after the 15th Annual Academic Surgical Congress in Orlando, Florida, next February, and will also earn him a seat on the AAS Executive Council.
Blue Ridge ranks UAB 22nd in NIH funding among nation’s surgical departments
With more than $5.5 million in 2018 research funding from the National Institutes of Health, UAB comes in at No. 22, nationally, among the 75 other departments of surgery recently ranked by the Blue Ridge Institute for Medical Research. Jumping seven spots since Blue Ridge’s 2017 rankings, the UAB Department of Surgery saw a roughly 59-percent increase in NIH funding since last year when it placed No. 29.
UAB as a whole placed No. 23 on Blue Ridge’s ranking of universities who received NIH funding in 2018, with nearly $300 million. About $233 million of that total was awarded to the School of Medicine, which came in at No. 21 on Blue Ridge’s list of the country’s medical schools, up from No. 31 just five years ago.
Hendershot appointed chair of state ACS Committee on Trauma
The Division of Acute Care Surgery’s Kimberly Hendershot, M.D., FACS, was recently appointed the chair of the American College of Surgeons Alabama Committee on Trauma.
Read moreKing elected to WHS board of directors
Associate Professor in the Division of Plastic Surgery Timothy King, M.D., Ph.D., was recently elected to the board of directors of the Wound Healing Society.
Read moreGongora joins Division of Cardiothoracic Surgery
The UAB Department of Surgery recently welcomed a new associate professor to the Division of Cardiothoracic Surgery with the addition of Enrique Gongora, M.D.
Read moreMustian receives Dale Benos Scholar Award
General surgery research resident Margaux Mustian, M.D., was recently named a recipient of the Dale Benos Scholar Award by the UAB Nephrology Research Training Center.
Read moreTanner named director of Trauma and Surgical Critical Care Fellowship
Lauren Tanner, M.D., has been named the new director of the UAB Trauma and Surgical Critical Care Fellowship. A 2016 graduate of the fellowship, Tanner steps into this position as an assistant professor in the Division of Acute Care Surgery, associate program director of the UAB General Surgery Residency and co-director of the UAB Women in Surgery Program.
Read moreUAB Surgery heads to Houston for ASC 2019
The UAB Department of Surgery gathers for a photo while attending the 14th Annual Academic Surgical Congress in Houston, Texas, Feb. 5-7, 2019.
The Department of Surgery traveled to Houston, Texas, this week for the 14th Annual Academic Surgical Congress, where numerous faculty, residents, fellows and medical students from UAB gave talks, presented research or moderated sessions. Continuing its streak, UAB Surgery again led the pack in abstract submissions at ASC, boasting a total of 84 presentations — 13 more than last year — and roughly 70 presenters.
Read moreCannon elected treasurer of state ACS chapter
Associate Professor in the Division of Gastrointestinal Surgery Jamie Cannon, M.D., was recently elected treasurer of the Alabama Chapter of the American College of Surgeons. She begins her term immediately and will serve in this role at the annual chapter meeting this summer.
Read moreChu edits journal's comprehensive issue on ERAS
The Division of Gastrointestinal Surgery’s Daniel Chu, M.D., recently served as the editor of the December 2018 issue of Surgical Clinics of North America.
Read moreDepartment of Surgery joins Promise Coalition
This spring, the UAB Department of Surgery will join the University of Michigan, the University of Wisconsin, Stanford University and the Brigham and Woman’s Hospital of Harvard University in a new multi-institutional partnership that seeks to help faculty and trainees reach their professional goals.
Read moreUAB Surgery hosts 2019 CME Course
Guest speaker Dr. Fabrizio Michelassi speaks on his techniques for the surgical management of Crohn's disease at the third annual UAB Surgery CME Course on Feb. 1, 2019, at the Hilton Birmingham at UAB.
More than 70 physicians and researchers traveled to the Hilton Birmingham at UAB last week to attend the third annual UAB Department of Surgery CME Course, "Best Practices in General Surgery."
Read moreChu awarded ACS Traveling Fellowship
The Division of Gastrointestinal Surgery’s Daniel Chu, M.D., has been awarded an American College of Surgeons Traveling Fellowship to Japan for 2020, where he will attend meetings and visit surgical centers for his research and practice. While in Japan, Chu will write about his experiences in the ACS Bulletin.
Read moreKhan, Aucoin receive travel awards from ACS
Dr. Aimal Khan
Dr. Victoria Aucoin
UAB advance GI and minimally invasive surgery fellow Aimal Khan, M.D., and third-year integrated vascular surgery resident Victoria Aucoin, M.D., were each recently named a recipient of a travel award from the American College of Surgeons to attend the 2019 ACS Leadership and Advocacy Summit in Washington, D.C., March 30 – April 2.
Read moreChen delivers annual State of Department address
UAB Department of Surgery Chair Dr. Herbert Chen presents his annual State of the Department of Surgery address at Surgery Grand Rounds on Jan. 15, 2019, in Margaret Cameron Spain Auditorium. (Photo Courtesy of Danilea Carmona-Matos, @danileacm on Twitter)
On Tuesday, Jan. 15, UAB Department of Surgery Chair Herbert Chen, M.D., delivered his annual State of the Department of Surgery address at Surgery Grand Rounds in Margaret Cameron Spain Auditorium.
Read moreUAB Medicine calls for Medcast ideas
UAB Medicine wants to hear your ideas for its medical education and clinical information podcast series, UAB Medcast. These podcasts – which are eligible for CME credit – are ideal for physicians, nurses, technicians and other medical professionals interested in staying abreast of clinical and research developments at UAB Medicine while helping satisfy their ongoing professional education requirements.
Read moreMarayati wins OPE travel award to attend ASC
General surgery resident Raoud Marayati, M.D., was recently named the recipient of the Spring 2019 Office of Postdoctoral Education Travel Award.
Read moreGet ready for UAB @ #ASC2019
The UAB Department of Surgery gathers for a photo at the 2018 Academic Surgical Congress in Jacksonville, Floriday, Jan. 30 – Feb. 1.
As the UAB Department of Surgery prepares for the 14th Annual Academic Surgical Congress next month in Houston, Texas – where UAB is again expected to win the ASC abstract submission contest with a total of 85 abstracts – we’ve made available a spreadsheet of presenters who are affiliated with UAB or who have authored presentations affiliated with our UAB Surgery faculty.
Read moreKale receives ACS Resident Research Scholarship
Second-year general surgery resident Cozette Kale, M.D., MPH, has been selected to receive a 2019 American College of Surgeons Resident Research Scholarship.
Read moreMartin receives ASC travel award
The Division of Pediatric Surgery’s Colin Martin, M.D., was recently selected to receive the 2019 Academic Surgical Congress 10x10 Career Development Traveling Fellowship. This award will provide Martin with a $2,000 stipend to visit a scholar or clinician at the institution of his choosing for one week.
Read moreResidents elected to AOA honor society
Four Department of Surgery residents were recently elected to the Alpha Omega Alpha Medical Honor Society at UAB.
Read moreLindeman receives research grant from AAMC SGEA
Dr. Brenessa Lindeman
UAB Assistant Professor of Surgical Oncology Brenessa Lindeman, M.D., MEHP, recently received funding for her research project, “What Is Meaningful in Medicine? A Mixed Methods Examination of How Healthcare Professionals Define and Enhance Meaning in Their Work,” from the Association of American Medical Colleges Southern Group on Educational Affairs.
Read moreFaculty, trainees named to AAS committees
Two UAB Department of Surgery faculty and three trainees were recently elected to four Association for Academic Surgery committees.
Read moreReed’s research highlighted in TTS newsletter
Rhiannon Reed
Rhiannon Reed, MPH, a researcher in the lab of Jayme Locke, M.D., recently authored a research article that was highlighted in The Transplantation Society’s weekly newsletter, The Tribune Pulse. The article, “Population Health, Ethnicity, and Rate of Living Donor Kidney Transplantation,” was published in Transplantation’s December 2018 issue and focuses on the relationships among living donation rates, population health and socioeconomic status.
Department hosts annual holiday party
Residents, fellow elected to AAS committees
General surgery research residents Margaux Mustian, M.D., and Samantha Baker, M.D., as well as endocrine surgery fellow Sophie Dream, M.D., have been elected to three Association for Academic Surgery committees. Mustian, Baker and Dream will serve as candidate representatives on the Global Affairs Committee, Membership Committee and Technology and Communication Committee, respectively.
Read morePearce named to new endowed professorship
Associate Professor of Surgery Benjamin Pearce, M.D., was recently named the first William D. Jordan Jr., M.D., Endowed Professor in Vascular Surgery and Endovascular Therapy at UAB.
Read moreUAB Surgery on Twitter: Who to Follow
Twitter is a social media channel that allows users to connect according to their shared interests, and the academic surgery community is no different. For the final installment of our 2018 #FollowFriday series, we’re interviewing three of our most Twitter-enthusiastic residents, as well as one of our training program directors, about how they use the platform to stay connected and how they engage with content.
Read moreBeck appointed to ACS advisory council
Division of Vascular Surgery and Endovascular Therapy Director Adam Beck, M.D., recently accepted an appointment to the American College of Surgeons Advisory Council for Vascular Surgery, a committee of the ACS Board of Regents.
Read more