UAB Heersink School of Medicine News

UAB Heersink School of Medicine News

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Diann Eley, Ph.D., associate professor at the School of Medicine at The University of Queensland in Australia is the featured speaker at the 9th annual William H. Coleman M.D. Distinguished Lecture at the Huntsville Regional Medical Campus.
Six UAB School of Medicine students were elected to student leadership positions for the 2016-2017 Alabama Academy of Family Medicine during the AAFP annual meeting at San Destin, Fla.
The Dean's Office hosted a reception for the 11 faculty winners of the 2016 Dean's Excellence Awards at the Wallace Tumor Institute on Wednesday, June 15.
The UAB Blazer Express bus service is making adjustments to improve service to riders. The changes will go into effect on Monday, June 13.
David Resuehr, Ph.D. and Ashita Tolwani, M.D., were two of 11 faculty members recognized across UAB as winners of the 2016 President’s Awards for Excellence in Teaching.
UAB School of Medicine faculty, residents and students are invited to participate in a qualitative research study of physicians and learners with disabilities to better understand their lived experiences during medical training.
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