UAB Heersink School of Medicine News

UAB Heersink School of Medicine News

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Students in the UAB School of Medicine will observe national Primary Care week Oct. 3-7 with a week filled with student-driven lunch lecture events to increase awareness of primary care needs in Alabama and across the country.
Now in its 6th year, RIME Week 2016 is set for Sept. 21-23.
Seven faculty in the UAB School of Medicine have been named recipients of the 2016-2017  PROSPER Curricular Enrichment and Innovation Awards.
UAB Medicine, in partnership with Medscape, is launching its SPARC challenge next week to hear ideas on quality improvement initiatives, leading to a live competition in October where the top ideas will win a portion of $45,000 in pilot funds to see the plans forward.
Nominate someone who has made an outstanding contribution to the academic health center or advanced the frontiers of science or health.
Michael Yester, Ph.D., professor in the Department of Radiology, received the 2016 American Association of Physicists in Medicine Edith H. Quimby Award, recognizing AAPM members with notable careers and outstanding achievements in medical physics.
Victor J. Dzau, M.D., an expert in cardiovascular medicine and genetics, will present at the 2016 Frontiers of Cardiovascular Tissue Engineering Seminar at UAB on Friday, August 19.
The award, from the American Heart Association's Council on Hypertension Selection Committee, honors excellence in research and discoveries in the field of hypertension and the nominee’s impact on their fields throughout their career. 
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