Good News Update: July 6, 2015
UAB's Comprehensive Transplant Institute has assumed responsibility for clinical operations related to heart, kidney, liver, lung, and pancreas transplantation. Under the directorship of Robert S. Gaston, MD (Nephrology) and co-directorship of Devin E. Eckhoff, MD (Surgery) and Charles W. Hoopes, MD (Surgery), the CTI will integrate physician and administrative leadership in solid organ transplantation to achieve its goals of delivering outstanding care, promoting research in transplantation and immunology, and training the next generation of transplant leaders. Read the full story here.
In order to increase ICU patients’ early mobility, the UAB Care ICU Quality Team recommended that bed rest should be ordered more selectively and only used for patients with certain clinical indications. The new bed rest order was implemented mid-June. This measure is a result of focused attention on PAD (pain, agitation, and delirium) critical care guidelines championed by Steve Stigler, MD (Pulmonary, Allergy, and Critical Care Medicine) and the ongoing research of the Geriatric Scholars in Gerontology, Geriatrics, and Palliative Care.
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In order to increase ICU patients’ early mobility, the UAB Care ICU Quality Team recommended that bed rest should be ordered more selectively and only used for patients with certain clinical indications. The new bed rest order was implemented mid-June. This measure is a result of focused attention on PAD (pain, agitation, and delirium) critical care guidelines championed by Steve Stigler, MD (Pulmonary, Allergy, and Critical Care Medicine) and the ongoing research of the Geriatric Scholars in Gerontology, Geriatrics, and Palliative Care.
Good News Update: June 29, 2015
John T. Carpenter, MD, was appointed Professor Emeritus of Hematology and Oncology. Dr. Carpenter joined UAB in 1973 as Assistant Professor in Hematology and Oncology. During his tenure he also held appointments in Pathology, Medicine, and Surgery; and he directed UAB Hospital’s Bone Marrow Laboratory from 1974 to 1994. Dr. Carpenter was also active on local and national professional committees and was the recipient of various honors, including Outstanding Teacher in the UAB Division of Hematology and Oncology
Kendra Sheppard, MD (Gerontology, Geriatrics, and Palliative Care) has been selected for the School of Medicine Faculty Scholars Program in Health Disparities and Culturally Responsive Care. The program is designed to generate a cadre of teaching faculty who will champion the integration of health disparity and cultural competency training into medical education at UAB.
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Kendra Sheppard, MD (Gerontology, Geriatrics, and Palliative Care) has been selected for the School of Medicine Faculty Scholars Program in Health Disparities and Culturally Responsive Care. The program is designed to generate a cadre of teaching faculty who will champion the integration of health disparity and cultural competency training into medical education at UAB.
Good News Update: June 22, 2015
Two DOM Professors were appointed to endowed positions at the June 19 meeting of the University of Alabama System Board of Trustees. Ravi Bhatia, MD (Hematology and Oncology) was appointed as the next holder of the Martha Ann and David L. May Endowed Chair in Cancer Research. Edward W. Hook III, MD, (Director, Infectious Diseases) was chosen to be the inaugural holder of the C. Glenn Cobbs, MD, Endowed Professorship in Infectious Diseases.
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Good News Update: June 15, 2015
New Internal Medicine Clerkship Directors Selected. Winter Williams, MD (General Internal Medicine) will join James Willig, MD, as co-director of the MS3 Internal Medicine Clerkship. Win did his residency (2009-2012) and chief residency (2012-2013) at UAB, and is active in teaching, simulation, and patient safety. Brooks Vaughn, MD (Endocrinology and Metabolism) will be the director of the MS4 Acting Intern rotations and develop curriculum for senior students. He has been heavily involved in teaching the fellows in endocrinology, is a clinical skills scholar for the students, and core clinical faculty for the Internal Medicine Residency. Brooks has an interest in ambulatory medicine, and interprofessional team development. The Department looks forward to their leadership in developing our students for a career in medicine.
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Good News Update: June 8, 2015

Anand Iyer, MD (Pulmonary, Allergy, and Critical Care Medicine Fellow) has received the UAB Emergency Medicine Residency Program Consultant of the Year Award. This annual award is determined by a vote of the Emergency Medicine Residents and is designed to acknowledge extraordinary work on behalf of the patients.
First year residents Alexander Smith, MD, Lauren Shea, MD, and Shannon Booker, MD, received the Glenn Cobbs Book Award for preparing the best admission writeups at the VA in April and May.
Stephen Clarkson, MD (PGY-2) won the best poster clinical vignette at the Alabama Chapter of the American College of Physicians meeting for his presentation “Hyperinfection with Strongyloides Stercoralis Masking as Idiopathic Hypereosinophilic Syndrome.” Our outstanding PGY-2 Jeopardy team also easily won both rounds: Rajat Kalra, MD, Preston Sonnier, MD, and Ashley Elam, MD.
William C. Bailey, MD, (Pulmonary, Allergy, and Critical Medicine) was given the Tulane Medical Alumni Association’s Lifetime Achievement Award for 50 years of exemplary service. Dr. Bailey is a 1965 graduate of Tulane University School of Medicine.
Katrina Booth, MD (Gerontology, Geriatrics, and Palliative Care) has been accepted for the 2015 Association of American Medical Colleges Early Career Women Faculty Professional Development Seminar designed to provide women physicians and scientists with skills to navigate the academic medicine enterprise.
Orlando Gutierrez, MD (Nephrology) will be the primary investigator for a newly funded American Heart Association grant to the Northwestern University Center for Disparities in Cardiovascular Disease Research. His project will examine an intervention that delivers food low in food additives to determine how access to healthy foods impacts the etiology of disparities in CVD.
Charles O. Elson, III, MD, (Gastroenterology and Hepatology) was recently published in the journal Science. Innate lymphoid cells (ILC) are a recently discovered type of cell that lacks antigen receptors, but responds rapidly to microbial, environmental or cytokine signals.This study, using a mouse generated at UAB by Dr Elson and colleagues, showed that a subset of ILC3s delete CD4 T cells reactive to a gut bacteria antigen in a manner similar to deletion of self-reactive T cells in the thymus.
NO MGR NEXT WEEK. Medical Grand Rounds will take a two-week summer break. Lectures will resume July 1.
Do you have Good News to share? If so, please email the Department of Medicine's Director of Communications, Carolyn Walsh.