Crowds Gather for Annual Colon on the Corner
The Kirklin Clinic was full of energy yesterday morning for UAB Employee Wellness' annual Colon on the Corner event which raised awareness for colorectal cancer. Staff from the Division of Gastroenterology and Hepatology handed out UAB swag, discussed the importance of colon screenings, and served free coffee. The O’Neal Comprehensive Cancer Center, Viva Health, Blue Cross & Blue Shield of Alabama, and Cologuard were also in attendance. Cheers to UAB Employee Wellness for another successful year of Colon on the Corner!
L to R: Division of Gastroenterology and Hepatology staff Katie Green, Rachel Morris, RN, Megan Hemphill, Kennard Craig, Artemise Rue-Johnson, Jacalyn Witherspoon
5 Deserving Recipients Honored at DOM STAR Staff Reception
On Tuesday afternoon, the Department of Medicine proudly celebrated its five 2024 DOM STAR Staff awardees at the 3rd Annual Reception in the Wallace Tumor Institute Lobby. Brittany Martin, David Clabough, Olivia Krantz, Tanya Sloane, and Ellen Lazzarre, CRNP, were honored for their outstanding accomplishments and invaluable contributions to the Department and UAB. Following the ceremony, attendees enjoyed refreshments, photos, and laughter with their team members and families. Congratulations to this deserving group!
L to R: Olivia Krantz, Brittany Martin, Tanya Sloane, David Clabough, and Ellen Lazzare, CRNP
IM Residency Alumnus Shares Insight with Next Generation of Physicians
UAB Internal Medicine Residency alumnus and President and CEO of Parkland Hospital, Fred Cerise, M.D., MPH, recently visited campus to deliver a lecture to trainees. Following his talk, he toured the Tinsley Harrison Legacy Wall and shared a heartwarming moment with his nephew, current resident Jack LaForge, M.D. The moment was a powerful reminder of the wall’s significance, which honors the legacy of the program and highlights the importance of passing down values through generations. Thank you, Dr. Cerise, for your continued support and contributions to our next generation of physicians!
L to R: Current Resident Dr. Jack LaForge and UAB Internal Medicine Residency Alumnus Dr. Fred Cerise
DOM Celebrates National Wear Red Day
On Friday, February 7, teams across the Department participated in National Wear Red Day to raise awareness of heart disease, the leading cause of death among women. In a related UAB News article, Gretchen Wells, M.D., Ph.D., professor in the UAB Division of Cardiovascular Disease and the director of the UAB Medicine Women's Heart Health Program, further amplified the cause by highlighting the prevalence, prevention, symptoms, and treatment options available for the disease.
Lohr Promotes Heart Health on Good Day Alabama
Nicole Lohr, M.D., Ph.D., director of the UAB Division of Cardiovascular Disease and president-elect of the American Heart Association Birmingham Metro Board of Directors, appeared on "Good Day Alabama" to raise awareness about heart disease — the leading cause of death in the country. Lohr highlighted the prevalence of heart disease, its risks, and prevention strategies as we enter February, National Heart Month. Great job, Dr. Lohr!